what do u think?

your right hun i need to get a grip and stop worrying what other people think. I just hate my parents so much and im evil for saying this but for the things thats happend withought going into detail over the years i wont be happy untill they both are dead that way i know in myself i have nothing more to do with them and the sooner my other half marries me the better that way i can get rid of my sir name its got so bad ive even thought of just changing my name but just cant be botherd going through the courts to do so so much hassle would be better if we just got married...lol

anyway im off cos im getting wound up thinking about those 2 people who call themselvs my parents grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Hey less stress madam !!!! ... Think of your bean :):):):)

There not even worth worrying about, i learned that along time ago ... belive me, so just concentrate on the most important thing now ... you and your OH ... your about to start your own family ... nothing and no one can take that away from you :)
hehehe i just found out that my parents turned up at my old house just before x mas to see adele only to find we had moved....lol omg sorry i cant stop laughing at it cos the people who bought out house we didnt really like them and i know my parents would have walked straight in....hehehehehehehe
Sorry guys, gonna stick my big wobbly backside in here. I had to laugh at the image of your folks barging into someones elses home! :lol:

The thing is with names is some people like what you pick and other people don't, its a simple as that, just think if we were all the same it would make for a very boring world or very confusing! :lol: so you pick whatever name you like for your child and if others don't like it who cares!

Years & years ago i told my Mum that if I ever had a son I would call him Sean & she told me that she hated it & if I did then she wouldn't speak to him (nice!)
Now that I am preggers & expecting a boy I would've like to have called him Zack, that didn't go down too well but with my Dad this time, I said that he doesn't have any say in it & he seems to think he does as he's the Granddad (still hoping he was joking - but not sure :? ) anyway it looks like we've picked Jamie Ryan & most seem to like it & if they don't, they don't get a cuddle! :lol:

Nicki.x :D

P/s I really like the name Madeline too.
jamie ryan goes really well together i would never have thought of that but omg its perfect :)
hehe ...

Had the name madeleine picked out since i was 4wks pg lol we liked it and chose it the day after i found out i was PG and haven't changed our minds since!!!

Thanks :):):)
its brill when that happens hun when something just sticks i think this time with me being pregnant the names colebie for a girl and callum for a boy have stuck i dont think i will be changing my mind now and im so excited about being took in on the 20th at 8pm to start being induced well thats if i dont go before then wooooooo hoooooo *dances round the room singing* lol
hi wee,
i think u will know when u see baby 4 sure what name 2 give. We had picked jessica or daisy 4 a girl and she didnt look like a daisy but did look like a jess.
for baby 2 we are going with madaline or grace ( sorry imi, this was decided before i eve saw ure post)
colby is defo a girls name but if you want to you could have a double barralled firstname like colby-jean
im typing 1 handed
oh no sorry if i offend anyone but i really hate my name jean and wouldnt double barrel colebie with jean sorry its just i got the mick took out of me for having an old lady name so i wouldnt wish that on my wee one nice thought though its just i hate my name jean sorry.

What u on about woman??!! finks you have confuddled preggy brain lol!!
Im not keen on my name either lol Donna marie Imogen ...

Been imogen for the past 5 yrs prefer it lol!!
i blame my mother withought me getting started AGAIN about them im convinced she dropped me on my head a few times im so forgetfull i will ask the OH if he wants tea or coffee and by the time i get to the kitchen ive forgotten what he wanted but then that should teach him to make it....lol

isnt it true your brain shrinks to two cells anyway when pregnant or is he spilling me a load of crap??

ok i feel daft for asking that but hopefully it makes yous laugh....lol
I have no idea where he got that idea from!! (Bloody men)

They might like to think that ... but take comfort in this hun ... your brain might shrink, but there is no way it will ever be as small as his And you'll never keep it in your trousers :):):) :D
hehehehehe hahahahahaha

i havent laughed so much in weeks but everytime i laugh i start coughing (i got a stinking cold) but feeling pretty good, think i will just keep asking him was that tea or coffee you wanted just to annoy him....lol
Better still ... sneeze init and give it a bit more flavour :D:D

i alawys thought the colour/taste of tea rather boring ... experiment lol
shhhhhhh hes standing here.....lol i have been sneezing all morning no wonder when ive asked him if he wants tea he has said no the first cup must have put him off....lol

anyway im fed up jumping from post to post hun if you have msn add me its [email protected] and anyone else too....lol

i keep going in the chat room too but no one is there...lol
they must be hiding so they dont catch my cold i think....lol

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