What do I need for a second baby?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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I have just sat down to write a list of the stuff I will need for the new baby and my mind has gone blank. My DD is 14 months and so I still have all the stuff I had for her and everything is still in okay condition so I am going to re use as much as possible. We are team blue this time round so I am obviously going to need need different clothes for this baby, however I am struggling to think of what else I will need and so I am sure I am missing something. Just wondered what extra things those that are expecting their second are planning on getting? Any useful gadgets that will help with two? x
I'm not much help hun as I have been team blue both times round, I think all you will need though is new clothes, new pushchair(if needed), and a new moses basket and carseat
We're getting a double pram and new bottles and vests but that's about it I think! I feel so unprepared!lol!!
There is 12 month between mine we bought new bottles, double buggy, a cot or cot bed, you might want to get a new high chair however I will be putting lo in a booster seat for meals so new baby can use high chair, a car seat and stock up on baby wipes I go through loads. I think thats all other than the usual nappies etc.

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Thanks everyone. Those are the things that are on my list, just feel like I must be missing something as last time round at this stage I had so many things on my to do list. What are you doing about baby monitors? Also what double pram are you getting? I'm going round in circles with all the choices! x
I only have one monitor cos baby is with me all time and when he is big enough for his own room they will be sharing I bought the obaby xi tandem and love it.

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I have one monitor but my ds let's us know if he wants us. I might purchase a second nightlight so baby can have gro egg and I'm getting a light up seahorse (like a gloworm) as my son has a gloworm so wanted something similar but different.

Toy wise were going to get baby it's own teddy like we did with my ds but at the mo we've not bought any toys.

We're getting the bugaboo donkey pricey but it's perfect for what we want. I've been selling a load of stuff we don't use so that's paying for the pram.

I know what you mean I feel like I've got nothing but I've got alot already. I'm hoping a spend up once baby is here will be good!!!
There is 7 years between mine so I will need a few bits too. The main things I could think of were: new mattresses for the crib & cotbed, baby monitor, wardrobe & chest of drawers, a changing bag & masses of wet wipes & muslins!

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