What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

Zac has been rubbish today with his food, think hr is getting another tooth. He has had:-
7oz bottle
Breakfast - half a bowl of cow and gate cereal and half an organix fruit pot
5oz bottle
Lunch - creamy rice with courgette and cheese, little stars yoghurt
5oz bottle
Dinner - a few mouthfuls of lentils with veg and tomato
7 oz bottle
Girls I was in Asda today trying to pick up some veg for Odhrán to eat raw but sat staring at everything like it was from a different planet :lol: I was going to get some broccoli but I didn't know which one, there was one big huge one, or a pack with tiny sweetcorn carrot and small broccoli... Help :blush:

The whole headed broccoli will be fresher and cheaper too :)

Carrots are favourites here and frozen peas (I prefer the frozen peas to fresh/tinned)

Cauliflower is nice, especially in a a cheese sauce :oooo:

Does he like pasta sauces? A good way to sneak veggies in is to blend them with tomatoes and make a a veggie sauce

Sweet potatoes are lovely roasted, as are peppers.

Go for a variety of bright colours as they're appealing to look at but contains lots of different vitamins :)
You said raw? Are you planning on cooking them?
I don't know? :oooo: I heard/seen a few people giving their LO's bits of veg as finger food, but I'm happy to cook them if needs be, I don't know myself if something is nicer cooked or not, god that sounds really bad.. I would love to be hypnotized into liking everything.. x
Ahhh hun :hug:

Well the veggies are best boiled/steamed/roasted :)
marley has been a bit offside the last few days, today seemed much better though.
yesterday was:

breakfast, 4oz bottle, with some HIPP rusks made with another 2oz milk
lunch... 5oz bottle
dinner...6oz bottle
7oz bottle at bed. he really wasnt feeing the food!


breakfast: 5ozmilk plus a bit of rice pudding
lunch. home made bolognese, not completely pureed ileft lumps in & it seemd to go down well
dinner: stage 2 jar hipp organic chicken and noodles ( he ate full jar and the lumps!!)
7oz bottle & he is fast asleep now!! =))
6am - 5oz milk
8am - Little stars fromage frais (he pulled a face at first, think the peach was a little strong)
11am - 6oz milk
2.30pm - 6oz milk
5.30pm - 1/2 Ella's Kitchen savoury pouch with 3oz milk in his beaker
7.20pm - 6oz milk

Had a good milk day today and he loved the Ella's Kitchen pouch considering he detests jar food (I do usually give him cubes of home puree'd veg/fruit but trying to see which convenience ones he likes as well in case of emergencies)
ellas kitchen pouches are the only savory ones h will eat (jar food wise) he doesnt mind the porridge or yoghurts and desserts though!! The fruit ellas kitchen ones he cant get enough of either!!

breakfast @ 9am, apple & oat cereal made with 3oz milk, plus 3oz from bottle
lunch @ 12, hipp organic stage 2 cheesy pasta, (half jar), home made apple & pear puree
7oz bottle @ 2pm
dinner @ 5pm, home made potato and chicken mash, small jar of egg custard
7oz bottle @ 6.30pm & bed!

currently fast asleep, he will wake around 2 or 3 for another 7oz bottle!!
7.00am 6oz bottle
7.30am fruity porridge
10.15am 6oz bottle
12.00pm homemade apple and banana purée and a slice of melon
2.30pm 5oz bottle
4.30pm a jar of stage 2 banana, melon yogurt desert cos he didn't like my homemade sweet potato and apple purée lol
5.30pm half a hot dog sausage
7.00pm 7oz bottle

Amy, Marley is gorgeous!!! xxx
7.00am 6oz bottle
7.30am fruity porridge
10.15am 6oz bottle
12.00pm homemade apple and banana purée and a slice of melon
2.30pm 5oz bottle
4.30pm a jar of stage 2 banana, melon yogurt desert cos he didn't like my homemade sweet potato and apple purée lol
5.30pm half a hot dog sausage
7.00pm 7oz bottle

Amy, Marley is gorgeous!!! xxx

aww thankyou!! & so is charley!! i always look at pics on that other thread but it wont let me post any of mine =((( always says upload failed!!! GRR.
Oh no! I was gonna say post some! He always looks really cute in your avatar pic thingy!!
ive been trying for months to post them! lol i can only change my avatar for sum reason!!! =(((((
Today I gave Odhrán a Dole fruit pot, it had pineapple and papaya in it and he loved it, ate every bit.. Got some peppers in, going to put them on the George Forman tomorrow to let him try.. The fruit pots are really handy, and they are only 4 for £1 in Poundland x
amelia is now having baby porridge, veg at lunch followed by apple (pureed) and veg at tea with a youghurt after she seems to be enjoying her food x
little stars mainly and i know ppl dont like to use them but petit filou as well its the only thing she has that has a high sugar content x
Paige enjoyed a lunch of risotto, leek and philly cheese with chicken wrapped in panchetta. She LOVED it. Pudding was a banana :)

For dinner she's having sausage cassorole and if she has any room left then she can have a kiwi for pudding.

I say 'she is having', but we eat the same thing, so its actually 'we're having'.

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