What could cause irregular cycles??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Since about 5-6 months ago my cycles have gone mad. They used to be every 28 days like clock work but ive had them from 27days to 43 days long., its driving me bonkers, any ideas what things could be causing this?? :hug:
Maybe thats what it is, i try not to stress though :lol:
mine went like tha as soon as i started ttc, i thought it was down to stress to, but then i got scanned and found i had pcos. There are a number of reasons like infections, illness, stress etc. Maybe a trip to docs might be worth it just in case.
well im off to the docs tomoz bout ttc so we wil;l find out, just kinda trying to prepare myself tbh :hug: :hug: :hug:
good luck hun im sure everythings fine, it just something u wont need to think about while ttc'ing
Hi there

you wouldn't believe what ttc can do to your cycles - especially if you are wantig desperately to conceive. when i came off pill last ear, cycles were soon regular again but after months of trying and me getting worried something was wrong, and it never was going to happen, they went haywire again for no apparent reason!! The winter can also make cycles longer due to lack of sunshine. it took us 10months to conceive and i did a lot of worrying, docs said it did prob slow the whole process down - strange hey? good luck to you, tonnes of baby dust, keep positive!
thanks everyone, i supose the blood tests will help find out why my cycles are all over, maybe stress although i feel less stressed now then when i forst started ttc, its mad init :lol:
Just wanted to say my cycles were all over the place when I came off the pill - ranging from 21-43 days.. when I started charting it seemed I wasn't ov'ing on the 21 day ones. I asked my doc about it as I was getting worried, they told me not to worry about it... and then I got my BFP! So there is hope! It's just annoying that you can't predict when ov is due..
Good luck
:hug: :hug:

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