what colour is the first milk that comes out of your nipples


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I was wondering what colour the first milk should be??

I was wondering if my nipple had milk in them so squeezed them, one came out like milky water but the other came out with a bit of an orange tint and more sticky then the other???? but only at first.

Is this normal?

Keely xxxx
it can vary between yellow and clear fluid. some times sticky, the yellow is the colostrum
thanks hypnorm.

I keep having dreams that i can not breast feed as my nipples bleed??!!! so I was wondering. xxxx
Mine is more orangey, that's colostrum. That's normal. That's what comes out first.

I read something somewhere about the different types of milk and colour etc but I can't remember where I read it, must have been one of the pregnancy mags.

I'm sure if you looked on the internet you'd find more info on it.
thanks girls!

This website is great for little worrys!! hehe xxxx
EEeekk!! I'm afraid to squeeze my nipples! It's the only thing that I think would really squick me out right now. :P

Well, they also hurt like heck if I mess with them right now, so maybe that has something to do with it.... :doh:
Mine's has been clear all the time (started about week 16-17) until last week and now it's thicker and white.

My only worry is that I've been leaking so long and so much that when baby arrives I wont have anything there!

S. xx
omg i had a dream that i couldnt breastfeed..there was just no milk coming out..it was so weird!

maybe they should name the different types of breatmilk like they do normal milk, like semi skimmed, pasturised, whole lol.

Im not looking forward to all these things the 3rd tri brings with it, except bubba of course :D
haha different flavours......

One of mine is orangey the other is white, do you think they will taste different to the baby!!!! haha xxxx
they say it is liquid gold :D so it is normally a golden colour xx
I started to produce milk at 6 and a half months pregnant. At first it was just a clear liquid like water and only came if I squeezed them. But now a month on Im still getting the clear liquid but with like a dark yellow substance. My midwife said it is normal and it will gradually change to just the yellow liquid
Ive only noticed once a little of milk and that was when I got in the bath, that was about 3 weeks ago but havent had anything since, is that ok?

evadel, that is more then normal so people have no milk till the baby is born... mine is only a small amount if i squeeze it out!! :lol: i dont leak at all YET!! hehe xxxx
I wish I could say mine has only been a little. Mines leaks like there so tomorrow! :oops:

Honestly - if I squeeze (sorry maybe too much info!!) mine goes squirting everywhere!!! It's awful!!

S. xx
As your only 33 weeks preg i would advise against sqeezing them!
Youll find that it is usually a very rich thick yellow colostrum.
:D So dont be worried, and also a tweeking od the nipps could set something else off thatyou dont want happening just yet, so please be careful how much you tweek them Hun!
Best of luck to you !

XX-xx-XX :dance:

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