what classes are you planning on doing?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I was wondering what (if any) classes you're planning on going to before the big day. My local midwives do 'preparation classes', which are a series of four sessions held once a week for a month. The sessions cover:
- The last weeks of pregnancy
- Labour and birth
- Mother, baby and family (inc. feeding)
- tour of the maternity unit at the hospital

I'm going to go along to them in April as they say they're suitable from 28 weeks of pregnancy and hopefully my husband will be able to join me. I am particularly scared by week 2 :shock: but i guess i need to be prepared rather than continue to burry my head in the sand. It's got to come out somehow!

On TV you always see people going to those lessons where they learn to breath etc during birth. Is that just an American thing or do those sort of classes exisit here? Do you think my classes listed above will be enough preparation?
The 'labour and birth' class may well cover breathing techniques etc.

I've signed up for an NCT course which is four two and half hour sessions during May (for mums due in June). A friend highly recommended it, and they cover relaxation, managing pain in labour etc. I may also do the NHS one too.

I've also been recommended a hypnobirthing CD for relaxation during labour - again, it's tried and tested by someone I know, and she had a calm and relaxed natural labour (obviously it still hurt like hell, but she said the CD really helped with managing the pain)

Details of NCT here - http://www.nct.org.uk/in-your-area/course-finder/courses-parents-to-be

I'm going to do antenatal yoga as well - they also cover relaxation and breathing as well as keeping you supple.
I'm going to similar classes, haven't got the dates through for most of them though, except for Parentcraft - this is supposed to cover keeping fit during pregnancy and its going to cover labour too. This is on the 3rd March.

I'm a bit pee'd off about it though, because I have been told that I am not allowed to bring my boyfriend along because the women previously have said that due to the nature of the exercises they find it embarrasing to have people of the opposite sex there. Surely the men have seen their bits and pieces before, after all, that is why we are all pregnant and needing these classes......ARRRGHH Rant over !!
I didn't do any the first time and don't think I will this time.

I don't think anything can prepare you for childbirth!!!!! LOL :rotfl:

On a serious note they are a good and I have friend who benefittedfrom the classes.

Good luck at the classes, we went to a few general antenatal ones first time round but im not doing any this time, although I am going to do a couple of 'mums and bumps' sessions, not sure what they will entail mind you!

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