What can you eat?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hey girls just thought I'd ask for your food tips. I'm off work with a chest infection, have been off all week, very wheezy, bad cough and short of breath.

But am also suffering with general sicky feeling and not wanting to eat
anything. All i have really managed is a bit of muesli, yoghurts and some grapes. I'm really trying to think of something that I want to eat as not eating is prob not helping me get better, but I don't know what!

I think if I had somebody to make something for me it's be easier to eat it but I just have no energy to do it myself. I am however tempted to haul myself out of bed and go and get something, maybe I'll be tempted by something at the shops!

What have you been able to eat?
I can eat anything during the day, it's when I get home from work that I have a nightmare and can't stomach anything.

I am finding smoothies just about the only thing I can eat in the evening, I just wizz up a banana with milk / yoghurt and maybe some other fruit too.

I am trying to eat my main meal at lunchtime now to compensate for the lack of food in the evening :)
Ok so I've just been very naughty and ordered myself (yes just myself, OH is away!) a pizza and profiteroles!! I can't face cooking anything that I have in the house (which isn't much) and am feeling too rubbish to go to the shop.

I feel guilty but then again at least it's food and I deserve a treat being stuck here and ill on my own!! :whistle:
I'm finding it really hard fancying anything, I've lost half a stone so far so hope I start eating more soon!
The only things I actually want to eat are bernard matthews turkey ham on toast and mattesons pork sausage. Anything else I have to force down lol
Awww Becky I'm gagging reading that :puke: :lol:

I'm into onions and watermelon and sweetcorn :oooo: Does that help? :lol:
In my 1st pregnancy, I couldn't stomach anything. This time around, I've been eating lots of junk food, have gone off veg and fruit (and I normally love my fruit and veg). And I'm finding that diary foods makes me feel sick.

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