What can we claim?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Really need to sort out child benefit and other benefits. How do you know what your entitled to?
I did an online calculator not so long ago and go hugely confused as my OH gets his basic plus overtime where as I have a set salary. Is his overtime taken into consideration or is it just basic?
Would we be entitled to working tax credits? Or because there's 2 of us would we earn too much?

I was wondering this too. I get a salary and DH is basic plus commission. Will be keepin an eye on this thread!!
Interested in the replies to this. It's all pretty confusing! xx
I looked into what we're entitled to and got confused too! Theres the £20 a week that everyone gets then theres the working tax credits and the bit that relates to childcare costs (I can't remember what its called). I think that the overtime does count although not 100% sure. I ended up giving them a ring to find out and was told we can get £10 a week. I told my OH I would get the forms sorted but I haven't yet! x
I think I included my OHs overtime for the calculation x
What your entitled to is......child benifit, child tax credit (every mother gets this) working tax credit (but only if you earn under 14000 a year or under 16 hours a week for a single or joint claim as your oh wage will be taken into account) you smp and that's pretty much it I'm sure if I've forgotten anything someone will say but from what I remember that's if I get a bit more as hubby is disabled and Thomas is autistic hope that helps xx
Everybody should get either SMP or SMA and child benefit.
Then theres child tax credit, which as long as your joint income is less than i think its £41k a year you should be entitled to. As far as i can tell they base it on your previous tax years earnings from your P60 so obviously that answers the salary questions.
Do you have to claim for child allowance? Where do you get the forms? I haven't done anything about this yet... I'm a bit confused!
Everybody should get either SMP or SMA and child benefit.
Then theres child tax credit, which as long as your joint income is less than i think its £41k a year you should be entitled to. As far as i can tell they base it on your previous tax years earnings from your P60 so obviously that answers the salary questions.

yep, i make this right too. we aren't entitled to anything except child benefit and i will get smp.

im wondering whether or not we would be entitled to more while i'm on the 'unpaid' part though? think i might make a call. great thread pinky xx
You cant claim child benefit until your baby is born and you get given the forms in your bounty pack at the hospital x
its so confusing isnt it hope it becomes clearer i just cant get my head around it! x
Child benefit for me is about £80 every 4 weeks and child tax credits are about £40 every 4 weeks. I will also be getting SMP. That's it for me I think.xx
Everybody should get either SMP or SMA and child benefit.
Then theres child tax credit, which as long as your joint income is less than i think its £41k a year you should be entitled to. As far as i can tell they base it on your previous tax years earnings from your P60 so obviously that answers the salary questions.

This is where I get stuck we get less than 41k on OHs basic but more with his overtime so I think with last years pay we got more iykwim?

i think it is based on whatever you have earned the previous year so it will include any overtime but if you think this years will be alot less then they might help out a bit x

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