what can do I could cry :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
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I got letter from benefits saying I failed my medical and I am fit for work. I have spd and 28 weeks pregnant from 12 weeks I have had to use crutches and don't go out on my own as the pain in my pelvis means I get tired and in pain easy also my right hip slips out of place. I explained all this but they said if I appeal its unlikely I will get a different answer so my benefits have stopped, this means we cant get housing benefit and there is no benefits im entitled to as I can get job seekers at 28 weeks pregnant. Spoke to CAB they said all they can do is get me to ask for advice from gp and midwife etc saying they don't believe I can work. Now we have to work out how we we can live with under a £100 a week and pay rent, bills etc :wall2:
I thought u got transferred onto income support at 29 weeks? xx
I was going to say that you should be able to claim income support hun. I'm on ESA myself and even though I passed my medical I'll still be getting Income Support aswell, so you should be able to get it if you're not claiming anything else. Hope all works out xx
i really feel for genuine people like you.. while theres some out there who are fiddling the system! so wrong!! hope u get some answer soon xxx
Aw hun :( :hug: xx I am 99% certain you can get income support at 29 weeks too, because then they deem you unfit for work as you're pregnant xx
Although you should get some IS at 29 weeks like the ladies say (I'm not sure on benefits)

Appeal the decision, it can take a while though. But they cant be allowed to get away with doing this to genuine people in need. You should contact your local welfare rights people. They will basically gather all evidence from you, MW GP etc and go through and support you through the appeal process.

They are also great for helping with benefit applications and finding out what benefit your entitled to.

Good luck. x
Thank you every one, I have been on to all different people today still at square one. Going to call in to CAB, job centre etc again tomorrow, Don't no what we are going to do about money while this is being sorted if I could work I would be :(
I thought I would up date on things. The job centre have said im not entitled to income support as im not a loan parent, I could claim job seekers once my sick note runs out with doctor but doctor signed me off again as im not fit to work. All they can do is put in a claim for reduced rate (less than I was getting before that was £22 a week) we can no longer claim housing benefits or help with council tax as im no longer on benefits. We have £400 coming in this mth and rent alone is £600 managed to get a crisis loan of £50 which will pay for food this mth. If we cant sort things but middle of next mth we will have to give up our house don't no were we will go but sure family will help. sure it shouldn't be this way sorry for long rant
Right, Jazz.
This, is BOLLOCKS! But, you have to argue.
Dont bother going to the jobcentre, they are useless. Phone them, go through, you might have to phone about 4/5 times to get hold of a person who actually knows the rules regarding IS.
But get on to them FAST.
Last summer, I was pregnant, my partner finished uni. Was trying to find summer work as we knew he was meant to look after our son when he was born, couldnt get a job. I was told I could get IS on the phone, and claim on behalf of both of us. When I phoned again (about 3 times) they kept saying no, you're not, go on JSA. I eventually got hold of someone who knew the actual rules again, and we were able to claim IS. I claimed from 29 weeks, but also on behalf of my partner. I believe it was about £102 a week?
Does ur other half work?
Keep arguing with them, they make u bloody go to hell and back to live!
Surely if only one of you is working and earning under £16k you're entitled to Housing Benefit?!
Does ur partner, if they work, work more than 24 hrs a week? If not, then yeah, they are basically talking out of their arses. I just found the old link that I would quote and throw in their faces when they started being arsey

So yeah, you're past 29 weeks now, they should have told you that you should have been able to claim this earlier, if youre doctor backs you up and the jobcentre accepts that you have a pregnancy induced health problem, but you would also have needed to yell at them a lot about that too
Lander, how do you know her income? Am I being really dense and blind? lolx
Jazz, either way you def could get help with housing/council tax. Its just automatic like it is when on benefits, you have to phone them, get a form sent, provide proof of income, and they will back date it x
my other half works 15 hrs a week spoke to a bloke who is up on all the benefits your entitled to he don't under stand how I failed medical, im on crutches with spd and very limited to what I can do on medical it says spd causes no problems with my day to day life! I have been on phone so many times have lost count of the calls! My dad has offered to call see them as well, just don't need the stress right now! we put claim in for council tax and housing benefit in over a mth ago so far not been successful
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Okay, if he works 15 hrs then you really are entitled. But you really will have to argue. You would honestly think these people were giving u money out of their own pockets!
phone them, use the link I gave you, and there are some others but on my broken computer!
Google : pregnant, income support, entitlement" etc, and you will find loads.
Im used to arguing with them, so I have a shed load of laws on the pc where I get to tell them how to do their jobs! I love it lol
They might just be being a bit slow hun, I know ours are. Apparantly had a 4mth backlog because their new computer system said "no" to everything. Wonderful! x
Surely if only one of you is working and earning under £16k you're entitled to Housing Benefit?!

My o/h is the only one working and only earns 15k we have a mortgage so can't get housing benefit but filled the formmin for council tax benefit but said we wouldn't get that ether
I dont think he earns close to 16k a year though does her? More like 5 k a year if they have less than 100 a week? xx
Thanks so much just spoke to in laws, my father in law to be is going to help write letter of complaint to the medical board about medical and he is going to help fight with me he can be scary but knows how to talk to people just can't believe the system is like this
lanny he brings home about £84-£94 a week
glad someone is there to help you hun.
Its a pain in the arse when you know you can have something but they just get rude!
Keep fighting hun, ul get it xx

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