What are your mornings/days like?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I posted before about bedtime routines, but how does everyones morning routine go?
I'm finding it difficult to get anything done in the mornings (including getting myself washed & dressed) because it's when Poppy is most active. She'll wake up between 8.00 & 9.00, which is when I'll wake up, but I'm thinking about maybe just getting up after she has her 6am feed because that's the only way I can have a shower and get dressed and ready before she wakes again!
She is either going through a very fussy stage or she's just one of those babies who won't be put down. She likes to be held and see what's going on; if I put her in her bouncy chair whilst she's awake she'll start to cry, and now she's awake for much longer periods during the day it makes it impossible to get anything done!

So yeah, basically I'm asking how everyone else manages their mornings and daytime :)
Mines a bit different cos mine are older! But when E was that age, they used to get up, we'd do milk/breakfast and K would go in her bed and E would either be asleep or be put in her bed too!! If they cried i was like well I've got to have a shower' so they got left to it! Sounds harsh, but I
Was a single pRent to 2 under 13 months so it had to be done!
Now, its a case of wake up and get breakfast on the go and then let Paige play before her first nap then we get dressed and ready once she's woken up. I dont do anything when she's napping because thats my time to relax/nap and she loves watching me get ready.

At your LOs age though she'd wake up, have milk and then we'd go from there. Sometimes we'd get dressed, sometimes we didn't. Sometimes we'd tidy, sometimes we didn't. I had no sense of a routine until she was at least 3 months. If I managed to get her and myself ready for the day and both of us fed and happy, then I counted it as an uber productive day lol
Matthew gets me up about 7ish, I then get him dressed and give him breakfast! I then have a shower while Matthew is playing on the floor! After, when I'm doing makeup etc, I sit on the floor and he plays next to me then decides to climb all over me while grabbing whatever is in my hand lol!
He then has his nap! And that's my morning! Lol!

We keep meaning to buy a baby swing, I think we'll get one this weekend. Reckon that'll make the world of difference!
this is sortve my routine, well what i try stick to.
j sleeps till about 630-7, has his feed, i breastfeed so i try feed him both sides as he tends to be super duper hungry at that time, he will fall back to sleep after that if im lucky, then i stay awake, have a wash, clean up what i can, have brekkie and relax till he wakes up again a little later, them il clean him up and get him changed fed then play a little and back off to sleep. doesnt go like that every morning,, sometimes i just wana go back to sleep. but found thats what worked best to get anything done. as theyre still quite small i think its quite hard to predict with them. sometimes i have to leave j to it in the cot, put music on and go do what i have to do.
Could you not try waking yourself up an hour or so before baby & go in for a shower/get ready. Or, once you've attended to baby in morning, get yourself organised, she may cry when put down ect, but you have to look after yourself too or you'll go insane. Leave her in her gym/seat/cot whatever while you grab a 15 min shower, & try not to feel bad if she cries. You dont need to comfort them every single time they cry. In a way she has to get used to not being able to "see you" at all times.

I'd suggest putting the baby seat in the bathroom but my MIL (who's a social worker) told me this could be a bad idea as baby gets too used to seeing you all the time, even putting them in the hall out of sight (but able to listen out for them)

I'd relish the time to shower in peace without them in the room tbh! I used to shut my two intheir room/living room whilst I showered, but now we've moved, my baby gates don't fit properly so I have them constantly watching me! It's so much easier showering when you don't have to keep getting hands out of toilets and putting soap bottles back!
Safety gates are the best invention to man - I still threaten my 7 yr old with them loooooool


She runs away saying noooo mummy, i'll behave I promise. lool as if i'd actually go and screw the things back onto the door frame.

Mine are all pressure fit so nice and easy to put on! In the flat I had them on every door bar the living room, it was ace! Now my hall way's too wide for one on the stairs and my doors are too narrow! Bloody nightmare!
Normally Lucas gets up between 6:30-7. My OH normally gets up at quarter past 6 and has his bath and gets ready for work. He will then get Lucas dressed and give him his bottle while I get ready. I've now started having a bath at night after he has gone to bed as I can relax in a bubble bath and not be rushed. When I come downstairs Lucas sits in his bouncy chair while I eat breakfast and chat to him. If I need to do any housework I normally put him on his playmat and do quick jobs. I tend to leave the big housework jobs like cleaning the bathroom, dusting and hoovering upstairs, washing and ironing till the weekend when OH can watch Lucas. Lucas hated his bouncy chair at first but he now loves it so keep trying her in it. xx
Jake normally wakes up between 6 and 7am so I bring him into bed with me for an hour for cuddles. I then put him back in his crib with the mobile on and have a shower and get ready. I keep popping back in to see him whilst I'm getting ready but he'll normally amuse himself for 45 mins whilst I get sorted. Then we come downstairs and I'll get Jake changed. He then goes on his activity mat whilst I have breakfast. By then he'll normally want a bottle and after his bottle we nip out to the supermarket or any other shops I might need to go to. He'll normally have at least an hours nap at this time. When he wakes up we have cuddles or play a bit until he wants another bottle. In the afternoon we normally go and visit friends or family or we might go for a walk. He'll normally have another sleep between 2 and 3 for at least an hour then too. Once he's woken up he normally goes in his door bouncer or we do tummy time and generally try to wear him out just before his bath. Then he has a bottle and is in bed by 8.30pm!
I can never get anything done either so normally have to get one of his grandparents to watch him if I need to do housework or ironing! My house is always a tip nowadays which is why we go out to friends houses rather than them coming here!
When Alfie was younger I used to take a shower or bath before bed. Then following morning I would just quickly wash my hair, and have a quick wash with a flannel, while he sat in the bouncer chair. (he did cry but was with me in the bathroom so I could see he was fine). I would then take him in the bedroom and put him on a baby activity mat while I got dressed and finished up.

Now he's older and on the move I take a shower either before he gets up at 7 then get ready while he eats breakfast in the high chair (finger foods) or if I know we have no real plans for the day I get up n play with him then take a shower at around 9.30 when he goes down for his nap.

It does get easier as they develop a steady routine you have something to work around then but for the first few months I would say as long as the baby is with you and you can see them 5-10 mins crying here and there will not harm them. Especially if you've done all the milk and changing before hand and know the reason is because they want to be held. Infact it is healthy for a baby to cry for very short periods as it helps their little lungs develop.
Hey :),
Well Lo wakes at around 7ish, but i don't go into him until half seven. So i have a cuppa, get his breakfast organised, feed the cat, get LOs bath ready. Then at half seven, he has a bath or a top and tail wash and i get him dressed. Then we go down stairs and he sits in his high chair and has his breakfast. I then tidy the kitchen, do dishes, sterilise bottles, get his lunch and tea sorted while he is still in his high chair playing with his toys. We then go off and have a play, he then has a bottle at around half nine and then has his morning nap. So i get washed and dressed and sort out our bags if we are off out. He wakes up around half ten eleven, so i do his nappy and then we leave the house. Sometimes if we have to be up and out early for example on Fridays when we go swimming, or if we just have to be somewhere early. I get up at half six and get washed and
dressed, bags packed etc. So i am all ready, by the time half seven comes. We do the same routine, but instead of him being in his cot for his morning nap, he has his bottle and goes into the pram. And off we go. xxxxx :)
Jack usually wakes us up at 7.30ish. We have cuddles in bed until 8am then Jack has his baby rice (started yesterday). Then we go back upstairs and he gets dressed then chills on our bed while I get dressed (and OH if he's hasn't already gone to work). Then an hour and a half to 2 hours later Jack will go down for a good hour and a half nap so I tidy the house and have breakfast etc. The rest of the day is filled with 3 hourly feeds, naps & cuddles. He then has baby rice for supper at 8pm and is usually asleep by 9.30pm. We're really lucky because Jack's the most laid back baby ever! He happily lays around watching us do whatever we're doing. He only moans when he's tired or hungry! :) x
Thanks for your answers girls, it's interesting to see how everyone else does it :)

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