What are you most looking forward to?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
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Once lo is born?

I am so excited about being able to eat Pate again! Think I may go and buy a tub of m and s chicken liver pate and eat the whole tub!!
Lol everything, seeing my first son for the first time, feeding him, changing him, bathing him, cuddling him, watching him sleep, seeing my oh and dds with him the whole package x
I'm just excited to meet our lo! Can't think of anything beyond seeing baby for the first time!
I'm looking forward to experiencing labour (weirdo that I am) I am looking forward to seeing my boyfriend have his first cuddle with the baby, and I want it to be him who tells me what the baby is. I am aslo looking forward to getting the baby placed on me for skin to skin... Haha... Suppose everything really! And I can't wait for the first nice sunny day we go onto town, have lunch and I can have a nice cocktail...xx
Really looking forward to meeting my daughter and just having her here. I'm also looking forward tot he first trip out with the pram - as a little girl I used to spend hours pushing my dolls pram so to have a real baby in the pram is exciting! I'm looking forward to her learning new things, I'm looking forward to reading her stories and watching her grow up. Excited for her to have a good education and a good life.

I'm also looking forward to a glass of wine lol - I never drink apart from on birthday or Christmas and now because I can't have a glass - I really want one, so making sure hubby has some wine chilling in the fridge hehe
im looking forward to the cuddles and going out and about with her to show her off lol and OH holding her for the first time x
I'm looking forward to having a little piece of us can't wait to see if LO looks like me or OH! and taking him/her out in the pram :)
Al of the above and more :)

I am looking forwrad to having something that is truly ours that we don't have to give back :) Riven really is our miracle and we are going to make the most of him :)

I am also looking forward to going camping with him to a pagan camp 3 weeks after he is born (if on time) and having everyone accept him into our close knit community :)
I can't wait to see what LO looks like - been looking at baby pics of me today! Also can not wait for cuddles etc.
But deffo agree on the pate - liver and bacon pate on toast is first on the shopping list once she is here xx
I'm actually looking forward to having my body back!

I've not enjoyed being pregnant at all! I love that I have grew her and kept an oven warm for her but so ready for her to come out now so we can both enjoy her xxxxx
I'm looking forward to bring a mummy :) I get scared sometimes trying to imagine it, but deep down can't wait.

At the same time it still doesn't quite feel real that we're going to have a little person in our house, despite his/her arrival being imminent!

And wearing skinny jeans again :)
I'm looking forward to every single thing as I've had my fair share of pregnancy, I want cuddles now!! Looking forward to the skin to skin, hearing that cry for the first time and watching everyone as we tell them his name x x
i cant wait to see if this baby looks like my other dd,cant wait to dress her up in her little dresses and show her off im so exciteed :) also would'nt mind a cold glass of jd and coke either lol wishful thinking !
Can't wait for her to arrive and have a cuddle has been a tough pregnancy and oh has been amazing and seing him talking and holding bump just makes me want to see him holding our lo for the first time and as I have to have c section he is over the moon to be the one to hold her for the first time!

As for things I have missed during pregnancy sleeping on my belly is right up there have never slept on my sides and will be glad when I haven't got to do it again I really don't know how people do it lol! X
I'm really looking forward to seeing my daughters face for the first time to see who she looks like, and feeding her for the first time, and finally getting to see her in these tiny little clothes I've bought her! Lol. Oh and a night large glass of wine and pâté sounds good too now that u mention it lol. X
I keep kidding myself that since I haven't missed wine all the way through my pregnancy I may not go back to drinking it (for,early a 2-3 glasses a night girl!) but I suspect the champagne will be coming out when he gets here! Xx
Im also looking forward to seeing who baby looks like i CANT WAIT for this !! BUt wine and sleeping on my stomach are defo up there :) and i also cant wait to not be jealous of every single woman who passes by with their new baby :p

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