What are you looking forward to the most?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2010
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This is my first baby so my head is full of pleasant little scenes about how wonderful and idyllic it will be when our baby arrives. I know it won't be like that really but I can't help but to to imagine.
So I'll start us off, I'm looking forward to the following:
- holding her for the first time
- breat feeding her when it stops hurting
- seeing her dad hold her for the first time
- seeing her dad lie with her on his bare chest
- seeing her smile/laugh when I and or dad go to pick her up
- being able to turn over in bed without it being an ordeal!
Holding him for the first time.
Putting his first nappy/outfit on him
Taking the first pic with him.
Seeing him with his dad n my mum.
First feed
And taking him home.
Reading these gave me a rush of excitement!! Can't wait.

- finding out if it's a boy or a girl
- seeing the baby look into my eyes for the first time
- watching OH hold the baby and being so gentle and loving towards it
- showing DD her new sibling
- showing him/ her to my close family for the first time bursting with pride
- bringing baby into the house for the first time

Loadssss more :)
Lovely idea for a thread btw!

- Seeing his face for the first time
- Holding him for the first time
- Seeing his Dad hold him for the first time
- Taking him home to where we will live as a family
- Introducing him to all the family, and seeing Grandma's and Grandad's faces!
- Taking him to baby classes and meeting new friends
- Seeing his first smile
- Sleeping on my tum when breasts stop hurting!
- Showing him off to the world in his pushchair!!! lol

There are so many more, but I'll stop here! :)
Oh my god this thread has menin tears....emotional! Lol

Holding her for the first time
Seeing hubby hold her
Feeding her for the first time
Seeing parents hold her for the first time
Her first smile

And here is a special one that has me in tears even thinking about it! My youngest brother is 13 and I was there when he was born and my mum let me feed him his very first bottle,it was such a special moment for me and I have been like his second mum (prob get on his nerves these days) so for me to see him hold my baby for the first time will be so amazing :)
Aww this is a lovely thread

- Finding out if I'm having a son or daughter
- Seeing him/her for the first time
- The first cuddle
- Seeing hubbie hold him/her for the first time
- Breastfeeding and feeling close to him/her
- Bringing him/her home in the car
- Showing him/her off especially to my mum/dad as it will be their first grandchild

Lovely :)
Reading everyone elses is making me even more excited! I even have butterflies as well as the baby in my tummy!

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