What are we going to do differently?

Mrs N

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Well AF hasnt come yet but should only be a matter of days (BFN on sat with FR so know im not pregnant!) so my way of dealing with it is planning for next month. SO I thought I would ask everyone what they are going to do differently next month (or the same if that is the case?)
I am going to try pregnacare conception (did think it is a con as I eat very healthily already) and not drink at all during the cycle (not an alchy or anything but like a glass or two of wine) and we are going to carry on with the OPKs although might not have to use em as much as last month as have an idea as to when I might be ovulating.
i am going to try and have fun BDing, instead of military style lol
That is a good one!! Expecially with valentines day coming up!! xxx
yeah, that would work if the hubby wasnt snubbing me for the flaming football lol. men aih!
I'm the same, 5 days to go but pretty sure AF will fly in. I might have a go with the opks and got cbfm cheapish off eBay so probably use next cycle as a recon mission to see how they work, or not as the case may be lol
If I don't get the BFP this month then I'm going to carrying on with the OPKs and just try and relax. I've also bought some AC this month and ordered the pre-seed to see if that helps!

fx I won't need it, but if I do I'm prepared!!
Hey hun, i'm using pre-seed and trying the sperm meets egg plan this month.

Will be using OPK's as usual as well.
Sounds like some good plans going on there!! Fx that this time next month there are a lot of BFPs for us!!

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