What are the age gaps?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
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Hey ladies!

Just wondered what age gaps everyone has between their children? My little boy is 16months and we're ttc as it took a year to conceive including an mc.

We originally wanted a 3 year age gap but as it took so long with our lb we thought we'd try now but if we conceive straight away will the age gap be a tricky one? Do you mummies have any pros cons to your age gaps :)

Thanks ladies!
I have an almost 6 year age gap.

Pros - my girl can help me, there is little in the way of jealousy, I’ve got 1-2-1 time with the baby while she’s at school so I can do groups, financially it has been easier and we’ve managed to extend our house significantly in between kids

Cons - they’ll probably not be very close when older, it was a struggle going back to looking after a baby after having an older child that is very self sufficient, eldest child needs me for homework etc now and I’m struggling evilest putting baby to bed on an evening to get time to do these things with her.
Ps.. I meant to add.. if I had my time again I wouldn’t leave a long gap like this. Maybe 2 years between kids, just as I feel my two won’t be close and do things together.
I have an almost 6 year age gap.

Pros - my girl can help me, there is little in the way of jealousy, I’ve got 1-2-1 time with the baby while she’s at school so I can do groups, financially it has been easier and we’ve managed to extend our house significantly in between kids

Cons - they’ll probably not be very close when older, it was a struggle going back to looking after a baby after having an older child that is very self sufficient, eldest child needs me for homework etc now and I’m struggling evilest putting baby to bed on an evening to get time to do these things with her.

Thanks for replying sweet,

I'm not sure what I was trying to get out of this post I was just intrigued...you know when you feel you can plan "the perfect age gap" but after having my son I'm realising that isn't a thing meeting mums with more than 1! There're challenges and positives to all age gaps aren't there! Lots of mums have said the same as you, that it's hard just getting a bit of freedom back when they become more independent - to then have a new baby again!

Thanks for sharing :) xxx
Following as interested to see how people have found the different age gaps. Not even sure if we can have another as this one took 5 years and treatment to arrive but I think we will try at some point. If you have smaller age gaps do you just not do baby classes and groups as what do you do with the older one?
my second was born when my first was 8 1/2........so a big age gap. she had always wanted a sibling so it was a dream come true for her and she was old enough to be really helpful. I was all smug thinking how great it was. Then when my second was 9 months found out i was pregnant! So this time i will have only an 18 month age gap! i honestly dont know how i'm going to cope with the two little ones , my 18 month doesnt have any use of language at all yet and just wants to climb and cuddle with me all the time, and the rest of the time his pastime is chucking everything out of drawers and cupboards and grabbing anything remotely dangerous ! Things are going to be very hard work for a season!!!!!
Mine will be 8 when this one arrives. She doesn't know yet but we've discussed the possibility with her and she's thrilled. I love that she'll be able to make memories of her sibling being a baby and she's independent enough that she won't mind the reduction in attention.
21 Months between my first two, and 5 years with this one - that's gone fast!
Mine will be 8 when this one arrives. She doesn't know yet but we've discussed the possibility with her and she's thrilled. I love that she'll be able to make memories of her sibling being a baby and she's independent enough that she won't mind the reduction in attention.

oh yes i totally recommend that age gap as per my post above! its fab!
My brother is 8 years older than me and my sister is 6. 5 years younger than me. I am very close to my sister. I always thought big age gaps were the best. Now we have 3 LOs with a 20 month and 23 month gap and I love it. Like you say I think there are advantages and disadvantages to any age gap.
2 weeks shy of two years between mine. Need to say, I'm finding it bloody hard at the moment as my eldest gas finally dropped his afternoon naps! Some days every hour feels like 5. Feel so guilty as I feel just so in need of even half an hour to myself but I don't get it at the moment and I know I'm really blessed to have two. I'm really hoping that as time goes by they will begin to bond and play with each other xx
If all goes well there will be 23 months between ours. We planned a much smaller age gap ( been ttc since my daughter was like a month as it took so long to have her). I’m definitely in the camp of easier to get baby stage out the way at once . Rather than be done with all that and then go back to having a baby. Saying that my friend has a 5 year gap between hers and she loves it and likes how she got to spend time alone as a baby with each one xx
Congrats millie! Happy to see you back here! There is 9 yeare between my two and it's a good gap he cam help out and he dotes on here. Sometimes he's a little tooooo helpful but it's good. I didn't plan for such a big gap we had 4 mc in between but I'm saying everything happens for a reason! If I could choose though I definitely would wait until child 1 is at school/nusery before child 2!
The gap between my boys is 25 months and I love how close they are. They always look out for each other and DS2 is so tall I get asked so many times are they twins it's crazy but I love it. There's 11 years between myself and my brother and we are best buddies also.
I’ve wanted to start a tread like this, there are pros and cons to every age gap I feel though. My DD is 28m atm and I’m hoping to start TTC in a month or two and she will be just over 3 so will have her funded hours at nursery so can still go, so I can take baby to groups and have and quality time with baby (and a nap or 2) without paying through the nose for childcare.

My friend got pregnant when her son was 6months and was a bit upset as she didn’t want such a small age gap and felt bad towards her son, however now they’re 5&6 and do everything together and they’re always out and doing the same things (Lego land, altontowers, Thorpe park) similar interests etc

We deal with what we are given and find the good in them and, with children, feel blessed no matter age and age gaps.

I don’t have any siblings so can’t comment from that point of view
My oldest DD has just turned twelve. We tried for number 2 when she was 2 but sadlly lost two babies, then fell again and second DD was born when oldest was 4. Started trying again when second one was 1 and luckily fell almost straight away and DD number 3 was born when DD 2 was 23 months old. And DD number 4 turns 1 next week lol. So we’ve had big and small age gaps with the girls and there is def pros and cons to both but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. Xxx
29 months between my two. It was hard to start with but it is getting easier and easier. If only they'd fight less...
My daughter is just one year old, and her brother is almost five. He just loves his little sister and always trying to help me out with her. I think we'll have another baby in a year or two :)

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