what age for first tooth?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Im asking what age all you lovely babies got your first tooth? Mark is nearly 9 months and has been teething for what seems like an eternity and still does not have a tooth. you can see them under his gum and he has all the classic signs but still no tooth. the poor little thing sometimes wakes up at night crying and rubbing his gums with his fist. we have tried all the usual remidies and pray every day we se the beginnings of that first little tooth..................
That sounds just like us. I can feel her first tooth, it is poking up, feeling very haard, but the gums hasn't broken yet, although it is clear because of how thin it is. It has been like that for 1.5wks now. I keep hoping every morning / evening that it will have finally broken through. Haven't voted yet (obviously).
Jam was 7mths ish, he had been teething since 3mths!!
M was 9 months and two came at the same time :D
Oliver was about 5 months and got 2 at more or less the same time - he now has 5 teeth with the 6th one on it's way and he's just coming upto 8 months :shock:
tias just turned 5 months and got 2 more or less straight away one after the otherabout 4 and half months
One of my nieces was born with her 1st tooth but the doctors werent happy so when she was 2 weeks old she had to go to dentist to have it removed!!!! Dentist said that she was his youngest ever patient!
All my other 3 got theirs between 11 and 12 months!!
tuck said:
One of my nieces was born with her 1st tooth but the doctors werent happy so when she was 2 weeks old she had to go to dentist to have it removed!!!! Dentist said that she was his youngest ever patient!

Awwwwwwww bless her little heart, why did she have to go and have it removed? ive heard of baby's being born with teeth but never them being removed, just curious thats all x
my MILs cousin was born with a full set of baby teeth!!! :shock: :shock:
Louie cut his 1st tooth last week!!!! so he is 7 & half months, interestingly the other 2 were exactly the same age!!!
kayzee said:
tuck said:
One of my nieces was born with her 1st tooth but the doctors werent happy so when she was 2 weeks old she had to go to dentist to have it removed!!!! Dentist said that she was his youngest ever patient!

Awwwwwwww bless her little heart, why did she have to go and have it removed? ive heard of baby's being born with teeth but never them being removed, just curious thats all x

If I remember rightly the Doctor thought that it was a little loose and was worried in case it came out and she swallowed it! and I dont think she had a visit from the tooth fairy either :(
Awww bless her, for the best if she could of swallowed it. I hate the dentists only ever had 1 out put me off for life :lol:
glad to see we are not the only ones who have been suffering for months with no end result!! :wall:
Eloras been teething since 2 1/2 to 3 months and no end results yet. Just alot of white gums and mood swings lol
in 9 days alfie is 8 months old and no teeth yet :cry: but very wingey with them and has been for ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
Aaron was 6 months when he cut his first. My niece was about 9-10 months though. She's about 15 months now and has 6 teeth. Aaron is 20 months and has 16.
i would like to announce that mark has cut his first tooth :clap:
yesterday when we picked him up from nursery mark decided his dads finger would be a lovely to chew and lo and behold you can feel a tiny bit of hard tooth. So my next question is how long does it take tooth to come fully through?
I have no idea Ellie's first tooth has been like that for the last 4 weeks, and still no sign of it coming through properly. It feels so sharp when you touch it but I don't think it has actually broken the gum yet. I am having my 8 month check up in 1 weeks time, so I will ask the HV then if it still hasn't pushed all the way through.

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