What a wired day....


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
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Hmmmmm had a strange day today. Absolutely no energy, took stepson to school, came home and literally slept all day. Tried to watch 3 films but ended up falling asleep through all of them. :nap:

Had a bit of a dicky tummy too :shock:

On the plus side feel like I can finally breath now as LO seems to have moved out of my ribs, yey! Crazy BHs and lots of movement too.

How are you girls feeling? I want this madam out now pls
I want AJ out asap too. In so much pain with the SPD and arthritis and baby being nearly fully engaged. Pain in hips, groin, foof, back, bump!!!!!!!! I struggle to settle at the moment cos I'm so uncomfortable everywhere I lay so frequently fall asleep on the sofa infront of the tv. lol. xxxx
I thought you had a section booked hon? I might have got that mixed up..... I was going to have one but hospital did an about turn and now I'm going to the birth centre.

It's bloomin tiring this pregnancy thing, sooooo uncomfortable too. My OH doesn't seem to think that its that bad, I'm like "trust me, it is!"

Just noticed I said wired instead of weird, tee hee.

I am booked for 2 weeks time but if I start naturally I just go in for a c-section instead of a natural labour. I am just in so much pain I don't know if I can do another 2 weeks ( 17 days to be exact).
I know I'm walking badly when in the car this morning the OH smiled and said "right turn Clyde" :shock: :shock: :slap:
god they think they are sooooooooooo bloody funny!!!!!!!! If it wasn't for trying to evict AJ I would have kicked Jase right in the gonads the past few days but I'm scared if I do then they won't be working when I need them!!!
I am finding rolling over in bed has become a nightmare. I get on to my back and get stuck!!!! Seems strange I am still able to cope with 50 hour weeks on my feet at work all day but this simple task has me stumped!!! And is everyone getting BH?? I don't think I've had any yet - is this ok?? Or should everyone get them?

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