What a day, GTT and Physio


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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What a day ive had, just got curled up in bed ready for a nice rest!
Had my glucose test today, ended up almost passing out and two midwives had to basically carry me to a bed on the ward and i then proceeded to throw up all over! I had a feeling id struggle though as i had to fast from the night before and i get bad morning sickness if i dont eat and ive always gone a little funny at blood tests if i havent eaten before hand. Was strange being on the antenatal ward though, made it all feel a bit more real! But in a good way.
Also had my 2nd physio appointment for SPD, was given a support belt which OH informs me makes me look like a sumo wrestler! Lol.
Got midwife next week too, then 4D scan the week after :) its all go at the moment!
Does anyone know if MW does bloods next week? its what should have been my 28 week appt. my notes say she does but hospital told me today i wont have any more until thirty odd weeks?
Wow busy day, hope you are ok. My bloods were done at 30 weeks :) x
Im ok now, glad its over. Lol x
i have to have the GTT too and wondering how i would cope too as if i dont eat im sick so will probably be copying you :) i was also told that they would take my 28wk bloods at the hospital same time as GTT so maybe they have done that??
They didnt mention any extra bloods, guess ill find out next week at MW! Lol. At least i can eat before those ones anyway!
My advice would be to ask to lay down to have them taken and have a sick bowl ready just in case xx

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