What a weekend!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2006
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As some of you know i started having mild contractions every 10minutes early hours of Saturday morning, they stopped around 3am Sunday morning. All of a sudden early yesterday afternoon they started again and they were so strong and intense it was unbelievable :shock: .
My OH phoned the hospital and they said because of how quick my labour was with Beth to call an ambulance :shock: At this stage i was starting to panic ever so slightly, more so when i got in the ambulance and they put the blue flashing lights on :lol:
Got to the hospital and they took me straight to the central delivery suite, who put me straight on the machine and did a CTG, took my blood pressure, tested my wee, did blood tests etc. They confirmed i was indeed in labour. They then called for the doctor to see me wasnt quite sure why they werent very forthcoming with information :wall: there doctor was there within minutes and ordered them to give me something to stop it :evil: i dont know what it was they gave me but it was in injection form :?
They then came back with the results of my wee and told me i had a water infection and have all also said that i have pre eclampsia (sp?).
They put me on antibiotics and gave me some codydramol for pain relief and they want me to be monitored at the fetal assessment unit 3 times a week from now on rather than the two i already have.
They gave me the choice whether to stay there or if i wanted to come home, i chose to come home coz i hate hospitals at the best of times. I eventually got home at 6am this morning.

I am absolutly exhausted, im still in a lot of pain and im covered in bruises where they were taking blood tests and giving me injections. Tbh i think im more shocked that i dont have my baby right now and they actually gave me something to stop it :|

Hasnt been the best of weekends im hoping this isnt the beginning of whats to come :(
Blimey! Poor you! Hope everything is ok and rest up sounds like you have been busy.
Crikey hun - Hope you know who is looking after you or I'll kick his backside tell him.

Not a pregnancy you will forget LOL - It will be worth it. Feet up & all t hat x x
Man what a scary weekend for you!

Im glad you and baby are ok hun.
poor you bubble... I hope all the pains have stopped now, what the hospital going to do now, I thought they induced with pre-eclampsia??

Keely xxx
Goodness me what a nightmare!!!

I'm surprised they stopped it. When I went into labour with Zara at 33+5 the hospital told me they don't stop any birth once you get past 32/33 weeks. Maybe each hospital has its own policy?

If you feel even a little bit bad make sure you go straight back.

Take it easy
I don't understand why they stopped your labour. Did they say when it will start back up again? how long will the injection last? I'm sure they are doing the best for you and baby... all you need to do now is relax, feet up and do nothing! not even lift a finger... baby might decide this week is going to be the week... and come anyway! so take it easy...

what was it like being wizzed off in an ambulance with those sirens going? bet that was an experience...

Hope the pains stop.. have a few warm baths! and light some candles help you relax.


Hope the pains have stopped.......and your feeling ok and getting some rest!!

Take care

Amy xx
Sorry to hear about your weekend bubble. Do you know how long they will leave you now or will you go full term with continuous assessment? I'm surprised they stopped it too as surely it is a risk to you aswell as baby if you have pre-eclampsia?

Anyway, take care of both of you and hope you get lots of rest and less pains!

Tan x
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Holy Moley!!!!

sorry i missed you on msn today :(

WHooooooo hold on bubba!!

Coz i aint sitting with ur mummy at 5 am again :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blimey bubble!! The topic title says it all - What a Weekend!! :shock:

I'm also surprised that they have stopped your labour if you have pre-eclampsia. :? Sounds like it won't be long for you though hun.

Good Luck!!
Thanks everyone. Still feeling pretty crap tbh. :(

I thought they wouldnt have stopped it because of the pre eclampsia also :? and the ambulance drivers were convinced i was going to have my baby :? So going from all of that to not having my baby and having to hold on a bit longer feels a bit weird :|

Apparently there is no guaranteed time on how long the injection will stop it for it could be a week it could be 5 weeks :? was really annoyed the midwife was a right bitch and wasnt interested in answering any of the questions i asked :evil:

hayley the blue flashing lights where definatly an experience :lol: i think they were trying to distract me from the pain they kept making me laugh and going over all the bloody bumps they could :lol: they specifically told me they were putting them on coz they didnt want to deliver a baby that night :lol:

The codydramol they have given me for the pain is making me sleep all the time :? not very helpful when i have kurt and beth to look after :wall: everyone i see tells me i look exhausted. im praying it isnt going to be much longer i dont think i can take much more of this :cry:
oh my gosh hun!! really sorry you had an awful weekend, really hope you're feeling better soon. hopefully it wont be long untill you have your LO with you.

did they say if your pre- eclampsia gets worse they will let you have the baby?? was it magnesium they gave you to stop your labour?? when i was at the hospital they gave me magnesium to keep me pregnant for longer.

take care of yourself and rest as much as you can (im sure its not easy with two other children!)

good luck and i hope everything turns out ok :D

hayley xx
thanks babe hope ur feeling better too ;)

im not sure what it was that they gave me they didnt bother to tell me anything they wrote loads of notes out but barely anything in my hand held notes which i thought was odd :?
Hope your feeling a bit more happier today hun - All will be worth it though huh? x x x
thats awful to make you wait and for no certain time scale... they should have explained things more clearly to you.. also they should have asked if you wanted this injection. I know there job is to ensure the baby is okay but your te mother. They should have given you all the details and asked your opinion first.

Did you have any pre-eclampsia symptoms?

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