What a week!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
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hi guys! just working some pent up frustration out. I had 2 assosiates call in to work wanting to know all about my son and surprised I was back off maternity leave, had to tell them the news then pick them up off the floor. I also nearly lost it with a colleague whos wife had a baby boy 3 weeks ago. He was whinging and nmoaning to me about how tiered he is and how awful he feels- if he says one more word to me i will shove something down his throat, on top of that he kept umming and ahhring over whether he will get her to come in to show the baby off- can you believe it?!?! luckily my mate at work whos a bloke said he wasnt in to that sort of thing- i dont know if he has his head up his ass andjust doesnt realise it or if he is being cruel. I held my mates baby and it was hard but it was different especially as the baby is a girl- seems to make a huge difference.

I have also had a letter back from the gynae clinic saying the cervical biopsy was severe cell abnormality but hopefully the treatment will have got it all and i am back to smears in 6 months. which i suppose is good, but i hate the fact i cannot try again until 6 months min. On the up side did a car boot today and raised another £100 for the local SCBU:). Thanks for listening guys!!!!!!!!!!:wave:
Ooh what a tough one for you, well done for getting through it!! You must be sooo strong, good girl!

Sorry for the bad news on biopsy but fingers crossed they got it all and you get the all clear in 6 months. xx
Some people just don't think hun, sounds like you really did cope well with a right chalenging day.

Perhaps the bloke ummming and arrhing about his wife bringing her baby in to work was trying to test the water out and seeing your reaction, maybee he is not sure if she can come in , because of whats happened, so maybbe he was trying to be sensitive to you afterall, it must be hard for people to know what to do or how to react with you for a bit.

Really glad they got all the cells, and although you have to wait , they will be checking you again which is great just to make sure.
thanks guys,

I know what you mean about testing the water, but he had already made a big show of that he told her not to come in coz he was busy and it was just the big show he made of it all. I have to admit that him and his wife really get to me in all this coz when ever you speak to them they are always slagging each other off and have now dragged another child into their loveless- throw irons at each other relationship it really sticks in my throat, all though i would NEVER wish this on them. another chap at work said that his little one (the one i held) cries alot and they are real tired but that we put it in perspective and he would rather have that then what we are going through. This other guy just goes on and on at me at how awful he feels coz the baby cries and how he slept in the chair with their son snuggled on him, it just goes on and on- like he wants to prevoke me and my DH (we work together) i feel like saying ' id rather have a baby who never sleeps than one that sleeps forever' but i just keep holding my tongue. A lot of people have said a lot of dumb stuff trying to be kind and we appreciate that they are trying but never have i come accross this, maybe he is angry at me that i have taken his thunder, who knows maybe he is just being cruel but i am going to give benefit of the doubt and say he is just plain stupid with his head up his ass!!!!!

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