What a downer...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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I think I am ovulating (my ticker is based on last month's 35 day cycle but usual cycle is 27/28 days) as that is when the calculator thingy says but I've also had some EWCM yesterday and starnge crampings...anyway, me and OH have agreed that I will tell him when I'm ovulating and he will make sure he is prepared for those few days (he hasn't got a high sex drive, bless him) so...I've told him this weekend is top time for it but so far I've had nothing...asked him yesterday and he was 'too tired' so he promised tonight and now he is merrily snoring away in bed while I'm sitting here having still got nothing...he has told me we can do it in the morning...now, does anyone think I'm wrong to be feeling like this is another month wasted??? I posted yesterday and was told by Bead that if I was getting EWCM then I could just be coming into my fertile window so I'm hoping that the next couple of days could still be ok but I dont know...I just feel really down cos I know its obviously 'the more the merrier' and I just feel like I've probably missed my window again...
Sorry, very long!
Maybe alot of men feel under pressure really easily? I would say mine is one of them, the reason why this month I kept my big gob shut (not an easy thing!) and never really mentioned OV and we have managed to :bd:the most since TTC!

We had a good chat last month and he admitted feeling really stressed about the whole thing. So I think I'm better of here asking advice, stressed, moaning, rambling etc than asking him and getting him stressed and I have to say so far so good.

Good Luck this month :dance:
Thank you, same to you!
The first few months were like that, he didn't have a clue when I was OV but last month I was 8 days late and when I came on I dont know if he was disappointed or something but he asked me to let him know the right days so he would know when he has to 'perform' so that is all I have done...we had a really good chat too and I told him how little time you actually have each month to get PG so he was happy for me to let him know and said things like 'I'll do everything I can to make sure this happens for us' etc, made me feel really positive but now it has come to it I just cant help feeling like it was all words you know, no action? I dont know, maybe I'm just panicking or something...sorry for going on!!
Hi Jar Jar, your not alone in this problem - My OH can't do it when he knows he has too either!! He gets stage fright for want of a better word! It's a nightmare, I fell pregnant in Jan and that month we only managed 3 times , the actujal ovulation day we tryed and failed, I got a right strop on and cryed and we went to sleep not speaking! and then snuck up on him in the morning, I think he thought that the window must have literally been over the night before as I was soo upset, and then he relaxed and was fine - I fell pregnant that time, had a MC at 11 weeks tho so I'm right back with you, and we did well this month 6 times!! but 3 were random times too early and only 2 times in the window and 1 half a week later! so I'm am soo not expecting to have done it based on that. I'm banking on my guessed dates being wrong so that the last one has a chance!!:lol:

Sneek up on him now!, don't mention trying and try something new, that might do it
Try the element of surprise!:shock:

The things we do!

Good luck X
Hi jar jar. In exactly the same position this week. Hubby saying too tired when it could be vital times. I've just stopped speaking about it full stop. Just when I think it's time just, 'getting him' feels more natural for him than organizing but if that's what you've agreed and he's not going for that either, maybe another little chat. Hubby says there's no room for anything else in my head at the moment and I need to occupy my mind with other things. Says I'm on automatic pilot with everything else, that really upset me so I'm trying to prove im not nerotic and just not talking about babies or fertility at all and it seems to be working. But it is so frustrating isn't it. Hope you get on ok
Good morning so far ladies, if you know what I mean!!! Lol...even laid with the pillow under my bum afterwards!!! We shall wait and see...
I was thinking about it last night and came to the conclusion that I will do what he has suggested this month and if I dont get my :bfp:next month and he starts with the same 'I'm tired' stuff I will raise the subject again and see if a different approach will be better. Think I worked it well this morning though, he was sitting watching TV and I just got up and said 'I shall be in bed'...not even 5 minutes later he came in and jumped on me, literally...hurt his leg in the process!!!! :rotfl: So we shall see what happens...Good luck to everyone this month! :dust:to everyone! xxxx
My hubby is the same Go upstairs wake him and Bon* his brains out lol!! I have only consieved mine whE having the ewcm after it's gone even if it's watery I loose my window go have a Baby dance chick x
Evie are you saying that the EWCM had gone when you concieved? Cos I only had what I had on Saturday, when I wiped after going to the loo and since then have had nothing on tissue but I've been really wet down there, sorry, tmi!!! That is horrible for people to have to read but its not like a heavy discharge, I am just really damp between the tops of my legs...SORRY LADIES!!!!!!!!!
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Every woman is different but when I get my ewcm if I have sex unprotected then I consieved but if I wait till it's gone or just really wet even if it's just two days later I don't get pregnant some women are fertile few days after but I seem not to be have you tried temping that's how I knew if I didn't do it when I had my ewcm I wokldt catch coz it was my bodys way of tellin me I was ovulating at that time and tied in with my temp shift but as I said every woman is different x x x
No I have only been counting days so far cos we are waiting til June til we start with the OPK's etc, it will be 6 months trying by then and so far we have just been trying to keep it lighthearted you know? Trying to not put too much pressure on...this is the first month I've noticed my EWCM and just not really sure exactly how it all works when you have that, if it means you're ovulating, due to ovulate etc...like you say though every woman is different so I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best!
Oh yes! Definatally!!!! Fingers crossed for you Hun x x
Thank you! And (late) congratulations to you! xxx
Glad you got the Hubby of the sofa this am, if you know what I mean! Keep trying X
Thanks JJ...He's guaranteed me tonight too so I shall wait and see with that one, considering he's back at work today after the Easter break! Lol...
Good luck to you Hun... xxxx

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