What a disaster - Baby Massage!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Our HV does baby massage classes at our docs surgery and she sends you an invite for a 4 week course. Today was our first session.

I was a bit nervous cus i'm not that confident in meeting new people, I've got loads of friends but most of them were made in my more confidet teenage years! Got to the waiting room and I was the first there, then this other mum came and I started talking to her about her little girl etc then another mum and I was really enjoying talking to these ladies about our bubs it was great.

Then went up to the room which was upstairs and it was so hot up there like a sauna and there was only 2 tiny windows, even the HV was dripping with sweat :puke: Chester hates the heat as well!

Anyway he starts screaming and didnt stop for the whole session!! We actually got thrown out! About 5 mins towards the end HV says "look you may as well get him off cus he aint happy!!" So I left. I was a bit gutted cus I was enjoying it. He did stop for like 30secs and for those few moments I enjoyed it.

I bet the other mums hope I dont come back next week!! But the HV made it worse tho, she said "Oh if you massage your bubs at home have soothing music on, obviously we cant hear it at the minute!!"

Got home and he slept for 2 hours straight, the heat knocked him out the poor lad
Bless ya. They should've had some fans in there! They can't expect babies to be comfortable in that kind of heat!
And she was a bit rude about it.
I wanted to go to mine but i met the women the week before and they didn't talk to me so i daren't go.
That's crap hun. Did she not think that it might have been smart to change where the class was or even cancel it if it was so uncomfortable. She could have put it a bit nicer, too :hug:
Aww don't let it put you off doing the massage still..i doubt anyone of them being mums themselves thought anything of a baby crying in the heat- HV sounds like complete idiot! what did she expect in this heat?? i expect the other mums were pleased that there little ones were not joining in...in case that dragin threw them out!! Baby massage is great i just got a book and done it at home maybe consider that because if you feel stressed it won't be beneficial..at least at home you are chilled out in your own environment- its easy to learn there are loads of great books out there!!

and have some hugs :hug: :hug: i know it can be stressful with a crying baby in public but i bet you were the one feeling the most stressed the other ladies probably thought nothing of it!! they probably thought she was evil too!
to be honest I think HV was trying to make a joke out of it but it still made me feel crap!

They should have fans its a brand new surgery, or they should have air-con! My docs is genuinely rubbish.

Thanks for the hugs fran xxx
Your HV sounds like a bit of a cow tbh. I would find somewhere else to go hun.

The one I went to... the woman said not to worry if they start screaming - they're used to it. All the babies had a little cry at some point but no-one bothered.

Sorry it didn't work out for you this week xxx
The HV that did my baby massage wouldn't let us massage when Maia was crying as she said that babies will then associate a massage with crying so I had to stop when she started.

Maia cried a lot during our first session but I fed her and she calmed right down, the next session I fed her before we went and she loved it.

Got our 3rd session tomorrow, hope she still loves it cause shes been a bit hit and miss with it at home whenI have attempted to remember all the moves!

Try again maybe your LO will react differently next time.
Connie is generally a smiley calm baby, but as you'll see from my BAD DAY post last week she HATES baby massage.

It's not her thing!!

She cries as soon as the oil goes on and then screams for the entire session so that no one can hear the HV's instructions!!! As soon as it's over all of the other babies who were really relaxed during the session start to get tetchy... and Connie gets happy and starts smiling and chatting to everyone.

She's an embarrassment.

Maybe your baby doesn't fundamentally like baby massage either? :rotfl:
debecca said:
Connie is generally a smiley calm baby, but as you'll see from my BAD DAY post last week she HATES baby massage.

It's not her thing!!

She cries as soon as the oil goes on and then screams for the entire session so that no one can hear the HV's instructions!!! As soon as it's over all of the other babies who were really relaxed during the session start to get tetchy... and Connie gets happy and starts smiling and chatting to everyone.

She's an embarrassment.

Maybe your baby doesn't fundamentally like baby massage either? :rotfl:


Its a 4 week course, if the same thing happens next week, I wont go again. Doesnt seem fair to put him thru it if he hates it so much.
James and I went to baby massage and he totally girned throughout the whole first session. The HV was fine about it though, although I did stop when he was crying. He loved it after that. Try it next week and see how it goes. You could always do a bit at home so he knows what to expect?

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