What a difference a day makes :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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So, ever since my BFP my boyfriend has been pretty quiet about the pregnancy, he's always been considerate but it was like he just refused to think about it let alone talk about it. His stress levels were through the roof and I was getting very worried about him.

Then came the scan! Ever since he saw his baby he has been stroking my belly, kissing it and telling me how clever I am :). This is really bizarre, he's normally a very private sort of fella, keeps his emotions to himself and it's only cos I know him better than he knows himself that I ever know what he's thinking. The change in him emotionally has been enormous and we even talked about breastfeeding last night :shock:. Before he would just shudder and turn away.

I feel so content :) never in a million years did we think this would happen and I am so looking forward to life with my little herd.

(I am hormonally soppy today, sorry) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
aww how lovely, i think some men need the proof in pictures to believe it because they don't have all the symptoms like we do lol, my oh has been a new man since the scans he says goodnight to bump at night and goodbye when he goes to work, he even says sorry bump if we go over a speed hump in the car haha. im glad your feeling happy and content :) xxx
Awww how nice, he probably just wanted to wait until all was ok at the scan. There will be no stopping him from now on haahaa
That's great hun xx
I think some men are just like us women in the fact that they are superstitious or worried for you and baby until they see or hear otherwise.
So glad you are happy and have both had chats and more settled. X
what a lovely post, cheered me up in the midst of horrible morning sickness x
Baby brain this has just made me cry!!!! jesus I can tell my saturday is going to an emotional rollercoaster! God bless him, and he is right you are clever.... look what you made!

What a lovely thing to read! I have a feeling mine will be similar. He is looking after me and making sure I rest, but not really talking about the baby yet. Think you're right that until they actually see and hear how well the baby is doing, it doesn't seem real to them at all. Don't want to wish my way through this pregnancy, but I really need time to hurry up to 12 weeks ha ha!!!

Awwww lovely, hope ur being nice to him now then hahaha xxxxxxx

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