what a day!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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eugh its been a long one today.

As you know last night I was a bit concerned about a lot of pressur edown below and my bump looking like it had dropped. By the time I got into bed I noticed I was having period type pains. Not severe at all, usually the mild type of pain I get when Im about to start my period in a few hours. So I thought, oh bloody hell I cant be having this. My OH was listening to his relaxation CD in bed so I decided to just get into bed and see what happens and disturb him if i had another. So I fell asleep very quickly.

I woke this morning and noticed that I was still having these pains on and off. Honestly not that bad, if it was period pains I wouldnt have been reaching for pain killers. So I thought oh well Im in antenatal clinic anyway. As i was driving there the pains got slightly worse and I actually had to take a deep breath through it. Then I really started to panic, Im surprised I didnt have a car accident. Managed to park within the lines in the hospital car park and everything. So I went to the clinic and when I saw the nurse told her what was happening and she just said lets see how you go over the next few hours and carried on with the GTT.

I managed to convince myself that I was just having practise contractions and nothing happened for about 45mins, then all of a sudden I had about 4 in 15 minutes. I started to feel really worried and had to stand up and walk around the waiting room cos this seemed to help.

I sat back down and the lady came out to call my name for the 2 hour repeat blood test and I stood up and nearly fainted. She ushered me into her room onto the chair and I just cried and said I was still having htese pains and getting really worried.

With no sense of urgency she sat me in her room, while another woman was in there and they were discussing her weight right in front of me :shock: while I was shaking( with lack of food and anxiety) and took my repeat bloods. Then took me to another room with a bed and strapped me to 2 monitor belts for baby heart beat and to monitor any contractions.

So obviusly I only had 1 cramp while i was there. but she was messing with the belt so much cos the LO wouldnt stay still, then enjoyed kicking it, and the sound from the machine when he hit it made him do it even more, and he was doing roly polys. The woman was getting really pissed off and to be honest, I was feeling desparate to eat so I thought, Ill just lie really still to hopefully get his heart rate and then Ill get out of here. Next thing I know Im feeling sick and theyre trying to rush me to sit up and I think I really did but I fainted on the bed. Woke up in a cold sweat and them trying to turn me onto my side soI just turned.

So THEN they brought me....a cup of water. Cheers, thats just what I needed, WATER :wall2: and carried on with the monitoring. They also left me to hold the monitor pad in place and keep moving it when baby moves. I was on my own for about 10 minutes.

Then they came back and took the straps off me and ripped off the print out and disappeared. I wasnt having any more cramps and just got up and got my bag to get my crisps. I was left in this room with the door open thinking, Am I just supposed to go now or what? Then someone came back and said that my reading seemed normal. If I had more cramps I was to go home and lie down and if they become regular or more severe I should go straight to the ward. Then they wanted another urine sample because they had already sent off the last one. Which was the first morning sample which I actually remembered to do this time, but it had glucose in it anyway :wall2:

So I just left and went to the canteen had curry and chips in the staffroom and did and afternoons work. Ive felt much better. Think Ive had 2 cramps this afternoon and Im wondering if my work trousers are tight now that my bump is lower, so that might be causing this feeling. I dunno :roll:

Drama drama drama. Im not doing another GTT, not for a million pounds!! I might consider it if they agree to see me at 7am so I can eat by 9. maybe...
:hug:Sorry to hear about your crappy day Tiny! That woman in the clinic sounds no good! How are the cramps now? Do you think its a bit of braxton hicks? xxx
I think it must be. Im still getting them. I was so busy this afternoon I think I managed to ignore them, now Im lying on the sofa thinking about my day Im noticing them again. Im strangely not worried now though. Ill know about it if it gets worse or regular then Ill worry and get OH to drive me to hospital. Hoping to just stay away from them for a while to be honest!
awe, sounds like you've had a right ordeal! hope you're okay - just try and take it easy hun xxx
If it was anything to worry about they would have picked up on it when you were in clinic today. Take it easy and rest. Make sure your OH looks after you! xxx
Aww hun sounds like a reet bad day!! I hope your okay!! Xxx
Oh no!!! Poor you :hug: Did they test your urine for a water infection? I hope they settle down for you, its not nice I know - well done for parking inbetween the lines, that did make me smile. Rest up now and try to relax xxx
Poor you, make sure you have a good rest x
Sorry to hear you had a rubbish day and that your treatment was so poor. Hope your resting now and things settle down x
Sounds like a crap day chick. Hope you don't need another GTT anytime soon xx
I dont care if I need one or not, Im not constenting to another one. Id rather buy a finger prick home blood sugar monitor and keep my blood sugars stable that way. I had a bit of a 'bloomin doctors' rant on facebook on the same day my brothers girlfriend officially qualified as a doctor. smoooooooth!
Did they test your urine for a water infection?

They sent a sample off but I couldnt offer much, theyd already had one pot off me an hour previously and I was too hungry and weak to hang around til I was ready. So they got a quarter pot and told them it would have to do! Expecting a phone call tomorrow asking for anther sample. I just wanted out of there in the end!
You poor thing :( Can't believe they weren't more helpful while you were being monitored either! Glad everything's ok though...hope you're getting lots of rest :hug:
Blimey what an awful day! sorry for being really dim, but whats a GTT?!
Glucose tollerance test, it looks for diabetes. Ive had sugar in my urine samples with the midwife. Ive had it throughout and had the test at 12 weeks. Didnt bother me then cos I stil had morning sickness and wasnt that bothered by skipping breakfast. You have to not eat, then go in and have a blood test so they measure your fasting blood sugar levels, then you drink a jug of glucose syrup stuff and stay in the clinic for 2 hours. They then take another lot of bloods and measure the sugar to see how quickly your body got rid of all the glucose. Only after the 2nd lot of bloods are you allowed to eat anything.

Normally by 11.45 Im gearing up for my 3rd meal of the day so its no wonder I fainted by that stage!!!

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