
Oh and to add to it I did a cb digi and still at 3+

aww hun i know exactly what you are going through, i started with just the bleeding when i mc'd in august, had a scan and there was nothing there what so ever just lots of fluid as they put it which i think meant blood! I was in quite a lot of pain for around 4 days, like really bad period pains and was losing clots just like you, i think eventually it just began easing off and the clots got smaller until it was like the back end of a period! They did my bloods on several occasions too to make sure the hcg levels were decreasing (which they were) and then told me to do a pregnancy test 2 weeks later, i actually did it a week later as i just wanted to try again straight away and it came back negative!

i went through a mixture of emotions, i was strong at the beginning which angered my OH as he felt like i didnt care about what had happened and then after a week i just broke down and let it all out, me and my OH had a really good chat about it as we had been avoiding having a conversation about it and after that i felt so much better and ready to move on! Just take every day as it comes hun and if you wanna cry then do it etc, but everything thats happening up to press seems normal although i would have thought they would have wanted to scan you to make sure all has come away, so i cant understand why they havent said anything about that!

Take care of your self hun xxxx
yeah i was in the same position as you really hun, got my gorgeous daughter already and it was the first time i ever mc'd so i really didnt know how to feel, what to expect etc! All i kept telling my self was that i need to be grateful for having such a gorgeous daughter when some others cant even have children of their own, it helped me to some extent but it was still hard! i also keep telling my self that my lost bean obviously wasnt a healthy bean and that it would have probably had something wrong with it, again, doesnt make you feel any better about whats happened but it made things easier kind of xx
Its awful feeling, I didn't know who to feel when it happened to me and 5 months on, today i'm having a down day about it. By the sounds of it what you are experiencing is similar to me, although i had to have a medical management. I didn't get a negative preg test until over 2 weeks post mmc. They should have an appointment to scan you to make sure everything has been passed, mine was 4 weeks after the management, but it depends on your clinic. I passed most of my blood and clots when i went to the loo, everytime i went for several days and felt very tender and uncomfortable for a few days. I hope it starts to pass, and I hope you feel that you can accept it more. It took me time, more time that i realised until afterwards. :hug:
you hear lots of different stories, some people say theres a greater risk of mc others say your more fertile and that theres no reason to wait...we started trying again, the first month after mc i didnt drop on and had af and caught it in the next cycle and up to press all is ok! I think theres a couple more on here too that havent even had af after mc and their pregnancies are going smoothly too

As for dropping on first cycle after pill i dont think thats the reason for the mc hun, some people get pregnant while been on the pill and have healthy babies! i think its just one of those things unfortunately xx
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I would wait til u have had ur first AF after mc, this is what I ended up doing. Unfortunately I had complications after my mmc in June and ended up having a d&c at the end of August, 9 weeks after I mc'ed naturally. I was trying straight away after the op, but the witch got me, in a way I'm glad as I wasnt ready to get pregnant again so soon. We caught on the cycle after my first AF just like deedee.

Just do what is best for u and ur oh during this. My oh said to me that he feels he has only just got the real me back after my mc, so took me a long time to adjust and greive for my lil bean. I hope u and ur oh stay strong together :hugs: xx
I think you have to do what you are ready to do. I didn't feel right actively preventing a pregnancy after my mmc but we didn't try to conceive. There is an increased risk of mc cos your hormone levels are al over the place (its why you are more fertile too, so it swings in roundabouts). I chose not to go back on the pill and then to wait a bit a plan my wedding. we'll be actively TTC from feb. There are no rights or wrongs and you have to decide whats right for you and OH and your decision my change as you go through this process, mine did xxxx
Oh sweetie I really feel for you, it's so hard. I had a mmc last year and even now I cry. The best advice I could give you is just to do whatever you need to do, whenever you need to do it, whether that's cry, scream, shout, laugh or whatever. I found I was like a zombie for weeks and I literally had to take life an hour at a time.
Health-wise, they do say have a period before you try again, just so it helps to date the next pregnancy. I'm not sure how fertile you are straight away but i'd imagine it's pretty high. When I went through it I just wanted my baby back and i'd have done anything to be pregnant again straight away. I don't think there's any reason why your next pregnancy won't be perfect. Like Deedee said, it can be of some comfort to think that the tiny bean wasn't well. I couldn't make any sense of that at the time, it took me a few months but I understand it now.
Sending you massive :hug: xxxxxx
The dr said its best to wait for a couple of months before trying again. He said there's a higher risk of mc if I got preg straight away? Is this true?

When I came off the pill I was told its best to wait a couple of cycles to let my body return to normal, but I got preg after one cycle, do u think this could be why I miscarried?


I got pregnant after one cycle when I stopped taking the pill.

I also then got pregnat twice in a row - all ended in M/c

So who knows?

I am now actively trying NOT to get pregnant until I have had my appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic in Jan.

Everyone is different though and you need to do what it right for you.

Personally I would wait for at least one AF so you know your body has gone back to 'normal'

im sorry to hear about your loss hun :hugs: i hope this passes quicvkly for you sweety make sure you get plenty of rest xx
So sorry to hear your loss, plenty of chocolate, rest and daytime TV xxxx
Oh boy am I stuffing the chocolate down me?! Ha I think that's all I've really eaten. Thanks for your advice girls, I'm still bleeding, no cramps today but had plenty yday, just want it all to end now.
I think me and oh are feeling better about it now, I think I'm feeling more angry about it today, but for stupid reasons... Like I would have been due in July, which meant baby would start school earlier, meaning less of a gap with my little boy. Now if I get preg then baby will have to wait another war before they start, and will be one of the oldest. It's so trivial I know, but it's like one of those things that I was really happy about.
And I got pregnant so quickly after coming off the pill, I knew it was too good to be true.

I feel like I just want to start trying again, straight away. But I can't really do anything until Iv stopped bleeding, but this could take weeks? And then the dr said to wait for 2 periods before we try? I honestly don't think I can wait that long, but if it means not goin through this again I'd do it.

Sorry to ramble again, just feeling a bit weird today, I'm more angry and annoyed and feeling wretched towards everyone, whereas before all I wanted to do was cry. I don't want to have had a miscarriage, I dont want to bleed for weeks. I don't want everyone's sympathy, but I also don't want people to treat me like everything's fine because it isn't. I want my baby back, I want to wake up and this all be an awful dream, I want to start growing a bump soon, and har my scan in a few weeks and see that it's all ok, but I can't....... I'm so annoyed with all of this and my heart goes out to everyone who's suffered mc before, it's such a head f***.

Anger is part of the grieving process Laura, so don't worry too much! Plus you wont always feel as angry....

The early days are the hardest hun, and we all know how you feel.


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