We've had the super fast celeb pregnancies


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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And yes it seems to be true that babies also age quicker in celb land!!

http://www.nowmagazine.co.uk/celebrity- ... ys-shit/1/

Never mind the baby now being 5 months old, she doesnt seem bothered (or should that be bovvered) that her 1 year old swears :shock: :shock: :shock:
There's only a couple of weeks between that baby & eefie and he only says dada, baba, phone and up and that is after hearing the words repeatedly so how many times has heidi heard that word :shakehead:
:shock: OMG why would you brag about your 1 year old swearing? She says she did not get it from her but how many times did she swear on her show? I can not stand her :x :x
That's so funny, I was in boots the other day and was so gobsmacked at the front cover I took a pic to show you guys but then forgot about it:


I know they've done it on purpose but look how smug and grinning she looks about it LOL
I love this comment that was left on the following page


.. and I can't even get mine to say 'mama' - maybe she's protesting about the state of her life?
thats disgusting!!!! and her baby being 5 months old??? he was only born in April
Minime said:
There's only a couple of weeks between that baby & eefie and he only says dada, baba, phone and up and that is after hearing the words repeatedly so how many times has heidi heard that word :shakehead:

have to say though that children have this amazing ability to pick up the words you really don't want them too. I sent ages with Seren repeating words, asking her what things were and she would ignore me. One day we came out of ASDA and it was really windy and this woman in front went "bloody hell its windy" really loud and yup Seren picked it up first time, loudly announcing bloody hell all the way to the car.

No doubt Kerry does swear a lot in front of her kids and I would never be boastful of the fact my child swore but after that I decided not to be so smug about it all :rotfl:
It is true what beanie has said, kids pick up the words you don't want them to. My friends 3 year old shouted at the top of her lungs last year 'get off the swing you g*mp!' to my brother. Thankfully there was no one around to hear that but it was shocking!

I was brought up in a 'swear-free' home, even today when my mum or dad swear I am like :shock: however I swear like a trouper when I am not around them! Need to learn to control my language before Aimee is born!

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