We've had a NIGHTMARE!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Just a quick post to say that Tom was admitted to hospital yesterday with suspected meningitis.
It started off on Friday night as a high temperature, was diagnosed as a throat infection on Saturday but by Sunday the rash had changed and NHS Direct said to call an ambulance as the rash didn't fade under a glass.
A&E admitted him after giving him antibiotics via IV and taking blood tests.
We are back home tonight. They THINK the rash is a viral rash and not meningitis but we won't have confirmation until later this week.
I feel absolutely shattered and I have never experienced worry like it. To see my little boy covered in dots, crying, with a high temp and needles in his hand was just heartbreaking.
I have bathed him tonight and he took some milk and has been asleep for an hour so hopefully :pray: he is on the mend now.
L xxxx
Oh gosh how awful for you. :hug:

I hope Tom is feeling much better now and you've recovered from the shock.
Oh no so sorry hun.

I hope it is just a viral rash, thinking of you and hope little one gets better soon.

hope everything sttles down soon. its awful when they are ill :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
budge said:
its awful when they are ill

AWFUL. You just wish you could take the pain and the illness yourself. I just felt so useless. It was so heartbreaking. Think it will take me a while to get over it to be honest. I still feel :puke:

L x
LucyBee said:
budge said:
its awful when they are ill

AWFUL. You just wish you could take the pain and the illness yourself. I just felt so useless. It was so heartbreaking. Think it will take me a while to get over it to be honest. I still feel :puke:

L x

bethany was in hospital with D and V earlier this year and it took me ages to get over it. It made me realise how fragile they are even when they are 3 years old.
i also makes you realise that all the noise and mess they make is GREAT!!!!
Yeah, absolutely. I was thinking that I'll never complain about getting poo on my jeans/being woken up at 5am/having to clear up puke from my car etc. etc. ever again.
OMG what a shock :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope Tom is right as rain soon and I hope you are OK too :hug:
sorry to hear your man hasnt been well, i hope he gets better soon
I know we've spoken but again I just wanted to offer you my support. I know what you have been and are still going through and I'm here if you need to chat. Tom is a very brave little boy and he has one very brave and savy mummy who is taking good care of him. Just dont forget to take care of yourself. To be honest I still get upset now when I think of what Rowan went through. It does really cut you to the heart and it takes time to recover. Huge gentle hugs to you all and get well soon to little Tom. :hug:

Wow he's sooooooo cute in his piccy's :D
bless you lucy what a worry. thinking of you and your family and i so hope tom is on the mend. its just awful when they are poorly you get this ache that no one can take away and only a parent really knows what you go through.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
LucyBee said:
budge said:
its awful when they are ill

AWFUL. You just wish you could take the pain and the illness yourself. I just felt so useless. It was so heartbreaking. Think it will take me a while to get over it to be honest. I still feel :puke:

L x

oh hun I'm so glad Tom seems to be on the mend. Get well soon sweet lil boy :hug:
I can still remember that awful sick feeling when Dan was taken into hospital with bronchilitis. The most awful experince of my life. It is only now that I don't check his breathing every 5 minutes...............its now every 10!! It probably will take a while for you to get over hun as you said its been heartbreaking. But I think you will cherish every moment with him that little bit more :hug: Hope his completey better very soon
So, so sorry to hear about the time you've had Lucy, but it is great to hear you're all back home and things appear to be looking up :hug:
Sending very BIG hugs to Tom and you, hope he's back to making all that noise and mess real soon :) :hug: :hug:

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