All Mums and Mods - idea for new STICKY


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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I had an idea for a sticky.

Maybe we could all post with any illnesses our babies have had. For instance Tom was admitted to hospital with suspected meningitis and it turned out to be hand foot and mouth. He's also had very bad bronchiolitis.

When Tom got his suspected Meningitis, I remembered that Miraclebabe had posted on here to say her son had it. I managed to get hold of her number and called her and she was sooooooooooooooo helpful and such a support. It made such a difference.

Also had some great help on here from Chezzabell when Tom first got the bronchiolitis.

If your baby comes down with something, you could look on this thread to find other Mum's who've been through it as it can be such a support and help.

What do you think???
I don't think we can underestimate how supportive we all find this forum but we have had concerns before that maybe on occasion it was being relied on too heavily for medical advice.

I'm pleased it's helped you in the past but I'd just worry that an 'official' sticky might become a diagnostic resource used instead of a doctor. I know we're a responsible lot but how awful would it be if a baby was really poorly and the mum did/didn't act based on someone elses experience?

I see what you're getting at though (ie babies ALREADY diagnosed) but the search function will always pick up info. Maybe a list of links to professional help might be good to 'sticky', or maybe I'm just paranoid :?

Lets see what others' think :D
Oh crikey. I wouldn't want to encourage anyone to look on here INSTEAD of calling their doctor or getting proper medical advice. That's definitely not the idea. I see your point.

I was thinking more of a list of ailments each child has had so that if/when yours gets something you can just easily see which other Mums have experienced it so you can get some support really.

DEFINITELY not as an alternative to proper medical help though.

Oh dear, probably not such a good idea then. :oops:
LucyBee said:
I was thinking more of a list of ailments each child has had so that if/when yours gets something you can just easily see which other Mums have experienced it so you can get some support really.

That has some mileage, like an 'expert' or buddy you could PM if you wanted?

Please don't :oops: , it's not about it not being a good idea, it's just on a public forum we have to be aware of all eventualities :D :hug:
i like the idea personaly. maby a warning at the top about must go to docs if baby is ill??

i could add about pyloric stenosis
I liked the idea too! I would have found it really useful when Aimee had her eczema instead of having to keep posting about it all the time. I think most of us are sensible enough not to use it instead of professional advice.With less serious things like eczema, colds, teething ect I would find it quite useful to get the information off someone who has the knowledge.

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