We've found a house!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I don't have to live with my mother-in-law!!!!! :cheer: Yay!!!

We're moving down to Bedford at Christmas, we both originally come from there and I wanted to be nearer my mum & sister for when the baby comes.

The original plan was move down & stay with MIL while we wait for the deposit back on the house we're in at the mo. BUT my mum's friend has a bungalow we can have from 24th December and she's said doesn't need a deposit until January!!!

Yay :cheer: I have a house to live in, not going to be homeless after all!!!!!!

Pic of front of new house:
:cheer: fantastic news!

that is excellent and a lovely looking house too!

Congrats! :cheer:
aww made up for ya hunnie - -lovely looking house... im not jealous at all :twisted: :wink:
what fantastic news.... so glad it has all worked out for you !!! :dance:
bet your glad the house looks really nice as well xxxxxxx
So excited! Hopefully I'll get my home birth now too.
thats great news looks a great house...We lived with MIL for a fortnight once as we were homeless ,rather live in a cardboard box next time LOL

when will you actually move in ? will you stay where you are for xmas?
We'll prob end up doing what we usually do over Christmas, travelling between both sets of parents (they only live 20 mins apart), but will stay with MIL because she has a bigger house.

Will actually move on 27th/28th, hopefully be in new house by new year!!!
great house!! How exciting, christmas eve as well!! We might have to live with mil for a while, will find out next month so keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

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