Were you afraid?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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God Im really sorry girls i keep posting but you guys are the only ones who give me such gr8 advice and allow me to sleep at night...


I just wanted to find out but after miscarrying if were you afraid to try again??

IM a little while off from trying again but im wondering if im going to be even MORE paranoid when i next get pregnant?

Also would it be best to kind of urm. detach myself from the pregnancy until after 12 weeks (after about 6 weeks i started to bond and to be told I was bonding with nothing was a big blow.).,

Ok ill shut up now lol!

xxx damn its late bed time for me ! :sleep:
I was absolutely terrified Sharne, it took me nearly 3 yrs to prepare myself mentally to even think about trying again, That is why there is such a big gap between Emily and Jack

Even then i did all the right things when i got my BFP but i did detatch myself slightly as i was waiting for it to come crashing down around me.

Everyone is different with how they cope with their losses i would just say do waht feels right for you

All the best hun :hug:
:hug: dont be sorry, its only natural you will be worried about this.
after my first m/c i was devistated as i never thought in a million years it would happen to me, after the second one i thought the first was a one off and it wouldnt happen again, this one hit me the hardest, it didnt stop me trying again but i was terrified and didnt want to make plans or talk about the 'baby' until i had my 12 week scan, it is really difficult not to bond when you know you are pregnant, when my dh or parents wanted to talk about the baby i kept saying 'lets just wait and see' After my 3rd and 4th loss it seemed a bit easier to deal with as i knew it was a possibility and i was a bit prepared for it. I dont know if its the right moto to have but i always think 'prepare for the worst and hope for the best'
Take care

This is my first month trying after having two MC's. And I am feeling very scared at times. This time I have decided not to test at all even if AF would be late. Just live like I could be pregnant. Last time I also had an early scan and this time I have decided not to do that if I get pregnant as it made me worry even more last time. So for now my plan is to stay "detached" if/ when I do get pregnant. But then again, that could all change really quickly :) So I might be here writing something else when it does happen.

Take care and good luck :hug:
Thanks girls great advice as usual...

i guess maybe like Claire said next time im not going to make any plans until i get to at LEAST 12 weeks and even then ill still wait...

Its nice having you girls to chat to your all so helpful!!!

Awww :hug: :hug:

I think it is only natural to be worried to TTC again. I was really worried after my last m/c. I was so confident everything was going well and then the carpet was whipped away at the last minute...very cruel!
It took me 7 months to really come to terms with my loss and get ready to try again. I had help from a therapist who helped me grieve and prepare for a new baby.
The last 7 weeks have been tough. I have tried not to get excited at all about the baby. I have not looked at any development books, baby catalogues etc or talked about the baby in any certain terms. I didn't even give my little one a nick name. I tried to stay detached and expect the worst. As Claire very wisely said, it is best to expect the worse and hope for the best.
It looks as though we have been lucky this time and I am starting to get excited about the baby. I don't think it will effect the bonding.
Only you know when you are ready to try again, but when you do, we will be here to support you and make it through the tough times in first tri. You will be worried, but you wouldn't be a mummy if you didn't :hug: :hug:
I wish you so much happiness.
At the moment I'm not afraid to try again but I don't know how scared I will feel if I do get pregnant again as my recent m/c was my first pregnancy but I do know that I was happy, unconcerned, delighted and completely unaware of how easy and how likely it was to lose our baby and I know that if I'm ever lucky enough to get pregnant again I won't feel so carefree.

:hug: :hug: :hug: none of us should have to go through this :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

the girls have given fantastic advise, im here if yuou ever need to talk hun :hug: :hug:

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