Went to the doctors...


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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...and told him about my light periods, and he said he didn't think it was unusual. In fact, he didn't really say a lot other than the pill is likely to still be finding it's way out of my system, and I just need to bare with it. It's hard not to be impatient, but I know he's right, it has only been 4 months. I forgot to mention the cramps I had, but in thinking about it, I am sure that they were just period pains as they didn't last that long and 2 paracetamols shifted it. What does anyone else think, has my doc fobbed me off or should I just wait and see how things go? I have ordered some ovulation tests from ebay so hopefully I will be able to find out if I ovulate this month. Fingers crossed I will be, and if so, I will just have to lock my boyf in the bedroom! :lol:
Hope everyone gets the news they are hoping for this month.

Thanks, Kel x
Its good that you went, I think you should be happy with his response, after all 4 months is not too long.

give the OPKs a go and see how you get on

Goodluck xxx
I've got the same problem KeLe

My AF this month (if it was one) didn't even require pads I just had a spot but I know I definitely OVd as I did a test.

Came of the pill 5 months ago so the same as you so it's true it sticks in your system for a while. Sorry if TMI but I haven't had much CM to write home about either but have read that this is another side effect of coming off the pill as you become 'blocked' when you're on it so I can only tell OV by OPKs

Glad your mind is at ease and I don't think the doc fobbed you off xxx
Thanks, it's reassuring to hear that other people are experiencing the same kind of things. Good luck to the both of you, let's hope we won't be waiting too long! I'll let you know how i get on with the ov tests.

Kel xx
everyone is different drs don't tend to get very interested until you have been trying for at least a year from what i understand so sounds about right your reaction from your dr.good luck for this month x

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