Went to the doctor's this morning


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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Some of you may remember I got very despondent last month while I was waiting for AF.

I didn't tell you at the time but I was so convinced we'd never see the end of this journey naturally that I booked a doctor's appointment even though we're a way off the 1 year mark.

OH and I decided to keep the appointment and just see what happened. We both expected to be told to go away and come back later, but a2 least when it came to a year the doc wouldn't think we were exaggerating how long we'd been trying and would take us seriously. Also I've had doc appointments about very long cycles in the last few years (up to 127 days)

Well it wasn't what I expected at all. The doctor was lovely, asked loads of questions, checked lifestyle, BMI, how often we're dtd etc and took me really seriously. He has asked us to return in 3 months if nothing has happened, but in the mean time he's asked me to get my day 21 bloods done this month as it's easy to do and will reassure me things are working!

He outlined what will happen at next apt but told me we are doing everything right and he's sure it won't come to that.

We're both feeling really good about everything now.
Oh scotch that's fab so what date do u have for blood test? I had mine done and still keeping the faith x
Thats great, you got a good Dr there scotchegg :)

Hopefully you wont need to go back. xx
Oh thats great news Scotch Egg. You obviously have a great supportive dr. They can be hard to find! Hopefully you wont need the tests!
It was random really, I don't have a normal doctor, just go to a big practice and take who I'm given. Have never met this guy before but will definitely ask for him again - he was so...human

Told him we'd been using natural family planning for a few years so he told me to judge when I think I'm 7 days before next period and go along to a drop in session for bloods (I'm quite irregular)
Thats great! alot different from alot of DR's you hear about xx
Thats fantastic sounds like it was a very postive appointment xxx
Yay thats great news. Only thing I'd say about Day 21 bloods is that in the book I have they test for Progesterone levels to see if you have ovulated, etc etc. Day 21 assumes a 28 day cycle and is 7 days post ovulation. If they test your bloods and your not 7 DPO you could come back with a low progesterone test which could be inaccurate.

If you temped you would be able to see when you ovulated and know when to get your 7dpo test :) xx
that's really very optimistic story. i hope my doctor will be nice as that, but i'm really expecting the worst :)
Sooooo glad you got a supportive doctor, now if you could just provide me with his name and address........
I'm really glad the appointment went well. I really hope this is your month.:dust::dust::dust::dust:
:yay: that's great! It feels so much better when you start the process of getting some answers!

Lots of luck to you hun!

glad to hear that the doctor was supportive scotch egg... hopefully you will get a BFP before the 3 months are out :clover:
I remember when we had our first appt with a nice doctor, it really gives you a sense of ease knowing they are on your side makes the ttc journey seem a little less scary xxxxxxx
Thanks for your lovely replies. Just waiting for ov now so I can work out which day to go. On cd16 and can feel my body starting to build up to it. Should be within the next week I think
Great news Hun!

Good for you.

A bit of advice with the CD21's only a person with a 28 day cycle needs them doing on CD21, if you have longer cycles then you need them 7 days before the end of your cycle, I had them done once and got a bad result because it was taken on the wrong day, so the next time I had 3 different tests 5 days apart and got a good result that way.

Let me know if you have any Q's.


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