So I went to the doctor...


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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And it went really well!

We saw OH's GP who is kind of a family friend (we were in a community group together) so it was kind of embarrassing for all of us, especially the way that OH just sort of blurted out "we want to have a baby!" :lol:

First she asked me about periods and things and I said that I was regular at around 29 days but that sometimes that fluctuated when I was stressed. She didn't seem bothered about that.

I wasn't going to tell her about temping and OPKs because I didn't want to seem to be obsessive but we explained that we'd been trying for over a year and that we hadn't used protection in all that time. Then OH started talking about different things we'd tried and he mentioned temping so I explained that I'd wanted to see if I was ovulating and that the temperatures and the OPKs made it look like I was. I was expecting her to sort of put them down but instead she just asked if it was showing something regularly, which they do.

She talked about getting me 21-day bloods taken and gave me a whole list of things that they would test for, she didn't say anything about having them done on CD5 so as I'm on CD7 today I'm booked in to have them done on the 27th! She also wants to check that I've had my rubella vaccination, which I think I have because I remember having the MMR booster thing, but she's doing a test for that just to be sure.

She also asked me about smear tests. I'm long overdue for one but I've been putting it off, so I'm booked in for one next week as well just to check that everything is alright down there.

She's said that OH should 'provide a sample' at some point, but because we live on an island there's a procedure that they go through because of sending things off to the lab so she's going to look into that and let us know.

She's also given me a prescription for folic acid so I don't have to keep buying it myself. She also suggested that we try umm... not doing it so much. :lol: We try to do it every other day in the run up to Ov so she suggested trying to abstain for a couple of days. Then we laughed because I'd told OH perhaps we were doing it too much. :lol:

So it went really really well. I was actually quite nervous about going because I have heard about such awful doctor visits on here, but it was so relaxed and nice that it was really good. I'm glad we went.
Glad it went well hunny x x

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aww thats great kizzibea! she sounds like a really helpful doctor :)
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Hey Kizzi :wave:

Glad went well for you & it's the start of amazing things hun :flower:

Glad to hear it went so well that's fab honey :)
You're ever closer to your bfp.
Good to get checked out xxxx
great news Kizzi she sounds like a really nice doctor - you'll be well on your way to a little bubba soon x x
Thats lovely to hear kizzi :) hope it goes well for you, xxx

PS doing it too much?! wow.
Great news kizzi, glad it went well for you x
That's fab news. What a difference a nice doctor makes. I've only got a couple of months before me and hubby will have to make an appointment with our GP (if I don't get pregnant), so I hope ours is as helpful! X
Thats great:) I think maybe me and hubby are doing it too often as well, so I guess we will try to restrict ourselves as cycle...the train has left this one;)

Its nice that you share your experience with us! Thank u!
Great news hun! :yay:

So pleased it went well and I'm glad the doc is sorting you out with some tests. :)

x x
Thats fantastic news - well done you for taking the step of going to see her! Lots of good luck and babydust to you xx
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Sorry hunni i totally missed this thread!! Glad everything went ok!! xx
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awwww am glad everything is ok hun, that was a good app then some people have bad ones im glad urs ran smoothly huny :) good luck x x
just seen this - sounds really positive - I'm really pleased for you
Glad your appointment went well with the doc hun ... it helps restore my faith in the NHS knowing there are some good ones out there x x x

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