Went to the docs today


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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So I plucked up the courage to 'record my pregnancy' on my medical records and went to the doctors. I had been holding off incase it went bad early on as I just couldn't face having to tell people, even relative strangers.

The doctor didn't have much to say really, just to book an appointment with the midwife. He did ask me to do a sample though?!? Which has annoyed me a bit because it is going to be a bit of a pest handing that in tomorrow. They just took my word for it last time? Oh well. :oooo:

He didn't mention anything about an early scan. I told him I was terrified of having another mc and he told me not to be. He said every pregnancy is different and there is no reason at this stage to suggest this one will end that way. What he did say though (which I'm not sure I wanted to hear?) was that even if you do have another 1 or 2 mcs there is still a good chance you will have a baby. I can't even comprehend going through that at this stage!

Also, he has pretty much told me to stop ALL exercise. So no more cycling for me then I guess. Just until 12 weeks. I don't know if this is standard practice or just because I have had a previous mc? I'm a little upset because I like doing my exercise but obviously I am not going to jeopardise anything and if the doc says not to then I won't.

I've been given a pack of papers to fill in too for when I see the midwife. She must be a lazy one because the other one went through the pack with me at the appointment. :lol:
I agree about worrying about anoter mc I drove myself crazy after 2 mc I was a wreck beginning of this pregnancy! I would carry on exercise within reason tho!
I'm going to ring the doctor tomorrow as well and hopefully get an appointment for Fri or Mon. Was too scared to do it when I found out at 4 weeks but will (fingers crossed) be 6 weeks this weekend. Is it normal to be this paranoid about having a miscarriage when you are pregnant?!! I'm completely terrified about this, even though it is my first pregnancy and there is no family history or anything. I got a slight twinge in my left side today and had convinced myself it was ectopic by 10am!!! (Probably just wind!!). What is the normal time between seeing your GP and then having your first midwife appointment? I'm a teacher so would ideally like it in a couple of weeks before I go back to school. I haven't had a day off in three years and the second people are told I'm 'at a doctor's appointment' then they'll al start being nosy and I don't want to tell until the 12 week scan!
I'm going to ring the doctor tomorrow as well and hopefully get an appointment for Fri or Mon. Was too scared to do it when I found out at 4 weeks but will (fingers crossed) be 6 weeks this weekend. Is it normal to be this paranoid about having a miscarriage when you are pregnant?!! I'm completely terrified about this, even though it is my first pregnancy and there is no family history or anything. I got a slight twinge in my left side today and had convinced myself it was ectopic by 10am!!! (Probably just wind!!). What is the normal time between seeing your GP and then having your first midwife appointment? I'm a teacher so would ideally like it in a couple of weeks before I go back to school. I haven't had a day off in three years and the second people are told I'm 'at a doctor's appointment' then they'll al start being nosy and I don't want to tell until the 12 week scan!

I was told that the midwife likes to see you at 8 weeks at my surgery, though I think there are some others on here who have seen the midwife before then.

Try to relax hun (I know easier said than done) I was the opposite to you and blissfully ignorant in my first pregnancy which is probably one of the reasons I took it so hard when it went wrong.

There is nothing to suggest it is going to happen to you so try and enjoy xx
Thank you for the reassurance. I sometimes wish I was one of those people who had no idea they were pregnant til they were 6 months!!! I'm sure all will be fine, and thanks for the midwife advice - will be brave and make the appointment tomorrow!

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