.... the radiographer was HORRID
She was so blunt and rude and she really took the shine off the whole experience for us. We got to see the baby's heartbeat and of course that was amazing but she was so unapproachable we were both too scared to ask for a piccie!! Why do people like that work in these jobs?? Grrr... I think I will tell the midwife of her when I go this afternoon... hope she's nicer or OH will be delivering this baby I think!! Lol.
Still don't know exactly how far on I am... apparently I'll get a definite due date at next scan in bout 5/6 weeks. Anyways, thought I'd just have a rant!!!!!

Still don't know exactly how far on I am... apparently I'll get a definite due date at next scan in bout 5/6 weeks. Anyways, thought I'd just have a rant!!!!!