

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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hubby as been using been using wellman for abt a week n half now.
i kno some of u girles ohs use it, as there been a difference since using it?
hubby as a sperm count of 37million but only 4% movement so were hoping wellman is goin to help. he as his next sperm next on wed, we praying his last sperm count was just a bad one. i dont kno if hes been taking it long enough to see a difference

ooohhh n forget to ask his sperm test is wed should we not hav sex till after wed now?
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Hiya. Mu hubby used it for 4 months between his analysis and there was a marked improvement in count. Sperm are made on a 90day rotation I think so it will take a few months to see results from the vits. Make sure he also stops smoking and drinking, keeps laptop of his lap, eat well etc.

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he doesnt smoke or drink hun. n we dont hav the laptop on r kness.
i think we eat healthy.
ooohh so there wont be a difference is sperm yet then :(
hubby said he isnt feelin positive about this month after the sperm resuts, bless him.
Also the analysis is subject some guess work simply becausae of the number of them! . It could be that the lab technician has been too cautius with their calculation and the resultsa are higher. Its good to be positive and it could be that the results will be higher. Make sure he has a good few days abstinence ie 3-4 days and also make sure the whole lot ends up in the put especially the first 'spurt' as it contains most semen!!
I had hubby on well man, and a zinc tablet too, also gave him zinc rich sperm smoothies, blend spinach with fresh orange, tastes yummy sounds yuck! No alcohol and lots of water also..:)

thanks maybe :)
i'll hav to invest in a smoothie maker, dunno if he'll drink that its sounds abit icky.
he doesnt drink hun.
if sperm test is on wed mornin should wait to hav sex?
its says no sex for 48hours but does it hav to be 48 hours lol
Porkpie saw a good improvement on wellman. Count didn't change but motility and morphology both improved from worryingly low levels to normal range. He also got looser pants, phone in back pocket, no baths etc. was almost 3 months between tests

Abstaining is between 2 and 5 days. 3 is ideal. This gives the best possible sample. When he gives his sample they will ask how long it's been and this will help them analyse it
dont have sex!! they need a reasonable amount of time between ejeculates so the count is correct. 3 days is good. when did he last ejac?
er last night, i was hoping for 2night too xx
my oh took the pregnacare preconception tabelts with me and i'm sure they helped. He had had a reversal vasectomy after 11 years and sperm count was rubbish and like other ladies have said, loose pants, showers not baths, no alcohol etc. we where told the route would be ivf/icsi but his sperm quality improved and we fell pregnant naturally 9months after his op.
I wouldnt DTD tonight if its wed hun
okay i'll resist lol
i'll just hav to wait till thurs now.
well he as a high sperm count, just his spermies dont move :(

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