well this is embarassing..


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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but i need to know im not the only one..

i am absolutely stinkin! i just cant stop passing the most smelly wind ever! if i try to hold it in then it hurts so much so ive just gutta let rip haha. but seriously, its disgusting. my otherhalf is one brave man! feel really sorry for him! is anyone else having this? im praying its a pregnancy thing and will go away when ive gave birth and that i wont be a stink-bomb forever! xx
its actually so embarassing!! i think it might actually make my otherhalf feel like less of a man cause my farting skills are way better than his these days haha!
loool havent had this problem yet xx
I'm the same, it's vile and when I actually do manage to poo that is just as bad lol I'm rotting inside I swear! It's really bad. If I fart in the car and then get out, when I come back it still stinks :shock:
haha im glad im not the only one!!! just you wait mrz85.. youl be next! x
yikkes sounds bad

It is horrendous. I open the car door and it smells like feet lol I can't believe something can linger so long.

I was like it with my son too, but I don't think it was as frequent as it is with this LO. Can't wait til June lol
If I fart in the car and then get out, when I come back it still stinks :shock:

That really made me LOL hahaha!

But seriously, I'm the same. I simply cannot stop. In fact, just before I clicked on this thread I let out a giant rip. So glad hubby is in another room lol, although he's heard it so often from me now.
And yes, they stink!!

Normally a person can handle their own stench, but noooo, its seriously bad.

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when i still had my morning sickness i made myself sick with the smell of my own fart one time! roll on july when i can be a lady again =P xx
haha ive had this too, makes me laugh x
when i still had my morning sickness i made myself sick with the smell of my own fart one time! roll on july when i can be a lady again =P xx

Ha ha that's so funny!!!!! I stink too girls. But if I don't let them out it really does hurt!

Better out than in girls.
Me too! And I cant hold them in...keep letting out noisy ones at work and pretending it isnt me haha! When I walk they just slip out!!
God girls i can smell all your fart fumes from here :rotfl:

It's weird how you seem to fart more & they stink isnt it - i let one off earlier & it stunk too lol.

I remember someone saying think it was on here - that they bent down on the bus to pick somthing up & farted right in someones face by accident - she was aimed right at the front seat :rotfl: i wonder if that was a smelly one imagen pmsl.

I like this thread. I've been having trouble with this too.

Wait until you guys get to tri 3 and it's a struggle to hold them in. I almost farted in the office a few weeks back and one slipped out when I was on the toilet at work and everyone knew it was me.
Yep I know this all too well. With the car stinking too lol. It actually disappeared for a few weeks but came back this week. Lovely isn't it lol xx
Oh this thread has really brightened up my day!! I am suffering this affliction too - even my dogs leave the room when I 'have a release' at home! My husband just rolls his eyes at me, but I think secretly he's quite impressed with my skills!!
Me too! Such a relief to know I'm not the only one! HAHA! Normally I can deal with my own smell, but even I have to leave the room now, BLEURGH!

Make a pregnancy ticker
:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
I farted when I got out of the shower before and it smelt so bad I had to check I hadn't followed through! :( Just farted now too and it smells soooo bad- like rotten eggs!
I've just done a curry fart - it isn't pleasant. I'm currently basking in my own ambiance...

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