Well the time has come!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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My little chunk is going to the nursery tomorrow :( Its only for 3 hours trial before he goes in for a full day a week starting from next week.... but when I took him in a few weeks ago for a look around.. the lady who will be caring for him said that I could leave him in her room while I looked around the nursery.... It was all very nice and DH and I really liked the nursery..... but, when I went back into the room where he was..... the carer had hold of Fynn :shock: It felt really weird watching someone else cuddling and playing with him... and I sorta felt a bit jealous..... It took every effort for me not to jump over the ballpool and cave her head in with a nearby teddy! :eek:

Im really bored at home at the minute and am ready to go back to work next week.... but it seems so final him going into nursery... I wanna have a little cry at the thought of it! :cry:

Im so stupid!
You're not stupid mate :hug: You are just a really loving mum. I am sure that what you are feeling is fairly common with mums.
I can't really give you much more advice but have lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your not stupid :hug: :hug:

I'm back at work in just over 2 weeks and I'm feeling the same even though my mum will be looking after Lola :(
Your not stupid luv!

I took Mhairi to the nursery this morning for a "getting to know you visit" and the woman said, "Right, she's been here a few times now, off you go and leave her with us for half an hour" :shock: :shock:

So I did, and she was fine!

She doesn't start properly for another month yet, so I've got a bit of time to get used to it!

Remember in the positives thread we both agreed that our monkeys were too damn smart for us to entertain all day? Just think of all the fun he'll have and all the proper QUALITY time you and him will spend together!!!

your definately not stupid! this is stupid...i actually work in a nursery and i go back on the 14th july and kyran will be in the baby department but i still dont want to leave him even tho he will be in work with me!!!! Lol the girls im working with are guna hate me! i'll be checking on him every 5 mins and prob do lists and god knows what, which is really stupid coz they're all perfectly capable of looking after babies! Its just MY baby haha! :roll:
I felt the same the other week, I even tried to make excuses not to go :roll:
LaineyG said:
Remember in the positives thread we both agreed that our monkeys were too damn smart for us to entertain all day? Just think of all the fun he'll have and all the proper QUALITY time you and him will spend together!!!


You're so right... he needs more than me.. he's at that age where he needs to be in contact with other kids.. and when he is with me..I'll enjoy him more.

By the way what happened to the 'Positive Thread'?? :think: I liked that thread!

Thanks everyone.... I just need to give my head a shake :hug:
WOW What a mixture of emotions today.....

I know he only went for 3 hours... and I was fine this morning when I took him...and was fine when he wasnt here.. I quite enjoyed having a little time to myself.. Its amazing how much you can get done in 3 hours.. I cooked tea for tonight.. made cassarole for Fynn and froze it all up.. done some washing and put it on the line.. and done my housework!

When I walked into the room where he was.. he had the biggest smile for me.. and the carer there said 'dont think you're taking him away..Im keeping him' :D She said that all he done was smile... and said that shes fell in love with him.

She showed me what he had been doing and gave me a self-made book with Fynns picture on the front and saying 'Fynns first day at nursery'... this is the emotional bit for me, Inside was a glitter picture, a painting and his foot prints done in paint..... god I balled!!!

All the way home I cryed... what an emotional gonk I am... I didnt think it would get to me like this! So many mixed feelings, Im happy that he's had a great time...sad that he's growing up... and was jealous that someone else loves him!!!

Anyway... Thanx for reading if you have :wink:
I had the same kind of feelings when Lucy went to nursery. she was 10 months old and before that she hadn't been away from me for more than a few hours.

The hardest part was leaving her but the one thing that made it easier was how much she clearly enjoyed being at nursery and being with other children her age. I couldn't have done it if I felt she wasn't happy but she absolutely loves nursery and I really do think its been a great thing for her and her developement has been great becasue of it. I still don't like the fact that someone else is carling for her but I couldn't take that experience away from her when she so clearly loves it.

It does get easier I promise, and in the meantime the nursery staff will understand if as soon as you go in to pick him up you want him in your arms. Its natural!

I'm actually more jealous of Lucy now - her nursery does home cooking so she eats better than we do, she gets to play outside while I'm stuck in an office and she's little miss popular with the other children!
awww thats lovely glad it went well!

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