working a 4 day week.... waiting for reply


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i've just asked work if i can work a 4 day week. Waiting for a reply.... Feel really nervous for some reason.... after working out nursery fee's and petrol to and from work i'm not much better off. My parents are taking him 2 days a week and i'd like to put him in nursery 2 days a week... will let you all know the outcome.

Good luck! I will be asking to go on 4 days from January,when I go back. Thankfully I am confident I will get it as my boss works 4 days and when she found out I was pregnant told me not to come back on 5 days :-)
You might not be better off financially going 4 days but you will be from spending time with your LO.

I've been weighing up the same thing. I want another baby within a couple of years so I don't know whether to go back full time and go part time when I have my second or go part time from the off which is what I had planned. Decisions.
i work 3 days a week. tues weds thurs, works great for us, i have done since i had Dior, get a nice long weekend of :wink:

hope its ok for you hayley and they say its fine
I've applied to go back 3 days a week and working from home for 1 of those days so that Olivia can go to a local child minder that day.

Good luck Hayley, let us know what they say.

Dionne, I'm sorry if I am too nosey but I was wondering what you did for a living? I read your thread about your wages dropping, I didn't realise you worked part time and think they're fab wages for part time - think I've got to re-train into something else.

Good luck Hayley. I know you have a long round trip to work, so 4 days would be much better for you.

DH told me yesterday that he doesn't care if I go back work or not! :shock: I earn almost £25k a year (only on SMP at the minute though), so really have to go back work, but it's nice to know I have the option of being a SAHM if I want to.
they said YES... made up... i know i'll take a drop in my wages and loose a few holidays but i don't care... the nursery is £37 a day and petrol is £7 a day then lunch £3 thats £47 i wont be paying out for that one day... after tax, insurance and my student loan i take home approx £65 a day... by working i'm earning £18 a day when Jacob is in the nursery... i'd rather be with him that one day... he'll benefit much more!

Just have to say maternity pay is crap.....

Maternity pay is crap! We are better off now than we were before Damien was born :? He does get disabilty allowance coz of his breathing and if I went to work and paid a trained childworker who has dealt with apnoea to look afer him we'd be worse off. No point going back!

Glad you got your 4 days babe xx
Good luck!!

I was hoping to try and convince my work to let me back part time on night shifts only, that way wouldnt need chile minder, plus would be 4 days on and 12 days off lol but I dont think they will agree to that somehow lol
Am really pleased that they have said yes Hayley. I am going back to work 4 days too, am going to work Monday-Thursday. When do you go back to work hun?


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