well my sons a mischief maker and he aint even out yet!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I just got back from my midwife appointment and found out why I feel so dizzy and generally poo all the time and uncomfy,

my darling son is not only breech, but spine to spine as well! So he is lying on my major artery supplying me and him with blood and oxygen so it isnt getting through to either of us as well as it should be.
Its bad when I sit down and bad when I lie down so i either have to stand up all the time or sit on a birthing ball or get on all fours!!! What a pretty sight! Not!

Has anyone else had this and got any tips on how I can get him to move?
no she wasnt... and she better bloody not be now either :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

im at the midwife tomorrow morning so hopefully :pray: my crawling and ball bouncing will have turned her back the right way lol
Yeah my midwife said it was really rare for a baby to be breech AND back to back.

I feel so honoured.


Grrrrrrrrrr :evil:
just rocking on all fours!!

my darling was head down from 20 weeks and had moved into my pelvis at 32weeks and then at my 34week appointment she ihad gone breech!! typical. I don't fancy a c section as my hospital is currently being sued by 2 people as they have left them unable to have more children after there c-sections and one lady was in intensive care for 10days :shock: i've been told the man s name who did it and i will refuse to have him!
annem said:
just rocking on all fours!!

my darling was head down from 20 weeks and had moved into my pelvis at 32weeks and then at my 34week appointment she ihad gone breech!! typical. I don't fancy a c section as my hospital is currently being sued by 2 people as they have left them unable to have more children after there c-sections and one lady was in intensive care for 10days :shock: i've been told the man s name who did it and i will refuse to have him!

:shock: where are u from?? just so we know! lol
my local hospital is swindon but i'm hoping to be in oxford with family when i need to get to hosp!!
Get on those hands n knees girl hehe.

Madam turned from breech to head down at around 32 weeks but is back to back now so know how u feel! Fingers crossed these babies get a wriggle on and move into the right position!! :)

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