well hes gone


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Well hes just gone to my mums, overnight and i miss him already, i just want him home so i can hug him and squeeze him and play with him. I know hes fine but iv only been away from him once in 17weeks so its hard but im going to go and have a few drinks and get a nice dvd and have a nice chilled night and a lie in xxx :cry:
awww hun :hug:
Of course you miss him but you know hes in safe hands and he'll be fine, you just concentrate on having a nice evening - you deserve it!
awwww bless hun :hug:

your bound to miss him but just remember he is in very safe hands and you will see him tomorrow.

have a wonderful and relaxing night tonight chick :hug: :hug:
have a lovely evening. try to realx and enjoy

its silly - you'll give anything for a bit of peace and quiet - then as soon as they're gone you miss them like crazy

we're so hard to please :lol:
same here hun, hope is going to her nanas tonite, it is mega hard isnt it?? :hug: :hug:
littlelady87 said:
same here hun, hope is going to her nanas tonite, it is mega hard isnt it?? :hug: :hug:

Oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug: we'll be ok hun ... Ians just poored me a drink now started the celebrations for my 20th ... goodbye teenage years
thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: Its so hard aint it, he iwll be fine in sure , i didnt leave Kiara till she was 5 months and shes lamost a year and have only left her twice over night , i end up missing her too much.
Enjoy your night hun you do deserve it.
Is it your birthday?
Ryan is off in an hour, it does get easier, especially when it means you're gonna have sex for the first time in months, wahoo!
rrrr happy birthday hun

I cried soooo much first time my mum had Ellis.... I stood at the window watching them go just crying!! hehe

Then i had a drink and was fine :lol: xxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you have a good night, it is sooo hard the 1st few times XkelX
wish id never bothered OH ruined my night and is being a complete arse today am so angry, mornin i get to have a true lie in and theres about as much chance of that as hitler coming round for a cup of tea, im so so angry and if he thinks im going out with him again he has another thing coming. sorry for the rant girls im just so upset with him. happy 20th steph ay?????

aka fingerscrossed
he didnt really hun i was just really angry about the fact i didnt get a lie in we've ... er ... well we've "kissed" and made up now :oops:
More than I got. Karl and I decided to get back together but I'm sore down there so we couldn't make up, gotta wait for another two weks now until I see him, grrr.

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