Weird - thoughts please


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Every time we take Ruby somewhere where we have to drive for an hour or just over she seems to get really bad stomach ache and is unsettled. This has happened 4 times. It's not the car seat as GP said she could nap in it for a few hours in the house if we take her for a short drive to settle her (as she wakes up when you take her out of the seat) which we have done only once and she didn't get tummy ache and didn't cry or start fussing. She's ok going to the supermarket and other short journeys but if we go to M in Ls or like today the coast 70 mins drive it's a nightmare when we get home. Once we get to where we're going she's in her pram so laid down. Any ideas? x
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Didn't want to read and run him , not sure what to suggest to you. Do you make any stops during the drive maby you could try that xxx
Forgot to say she sleeps through the journey there and back, longest journey we've made is 1hr 20 mins
I've always been quite car sick and when I was talking to my mum about this she said from the day I was born I was car sick so could be that, the only thing that cured me was learning to drive but I still get sick in the back seat. If it is that you could be in for the long haul
I've always been quite car sick and when I was talking to my mum about this she said from the day I was born I was car sick so could be that, the only thing that cured me was learning to drive but I still get sick in the back seat. If it is that you could be in for the long haul

Just read an article on babycentre website, you may be right :( thank you xx
i was gonna say carsickness, i have always got sick when travelling but ive pretty much grown out of it now, it came back while i was preg tho yuck :(
Gotta 3hr journey in 5 weeks eek!
Oh no :( I did think carsick when I first read it but wouldn't know anything about it. I had it as a child too but have grown out of it now -not sure if I had it as a baby though xxx
plenty of stops should make it bearable for her, or maybe get a travel sickness band and put it on her ankle?
Could it be she's getting into a deep sleep and is waking or being woken by the journey ending? x
Could it be she's getting into a deep sleep and is waking or being woken by the journey ending? x

She wakes up when we leave the motorway. We got in at 5pm yesterday, 70 mins travel was screaming and crying when she was awake last night. She slept with me as she was only comfy on her side. Fx she's ok this morning, she was yelping when she woke at 4am. She only drank 20ml of her 180ml bottle at 10pm :( xx
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She's not uncomfortable is she? Those car seats can put them into a funny position so she's kind of slumped or something? Someone suggested putting a sea sick band on her ankle but that won't work if she's car sick as they are to do with pressure points on your wrists. I get car sick too and always have so tend to drive as well! Is she actually sick though? I would be surprised if she's travel sick when she's asleep and can't see out of the windows, it tends to start once they are awake and can see out as it's to do with motion combined with your brain not processing things you see as you travel. Is a a particularly twisty drive? That's when most car sickness happens. I personally think she might be uncomfortable in some way, plus she could just be waking after one sleep repetition (approx 1.5-2 hours) and wondering where she is and why she can't see you etc, they still have limited eye sight for distance for a couple of months.
Sorry no real helpful suggestions but I know how horrible long drives are with babies as my family are 450 miles away and on our last visit Kynon screamed for the last 70 miles, I had to stop at every service station down part of the M1 even one that's a few minutes from my mums he was so upset! I just calmed him down, walked about to get him some air and let him stretch, let him have a little comfort feed (I'm bf) and then he was ok for another 10 mins or so, was a right nightmare! Think he was bored though as he's older.

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