weird dreams!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2008
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iya..iv been getting these strange dreams all week tht my boyfriend is cheating on me with his ex.which i no isnt true cuz he cnt stand her n i no he wud never be unfaithfull but thy reli upset me n thn i end up bein mardy with my bf mam says its cuz my hormones at the she right :? ?? x

thanks 4 reply n advance (if n e lol)

I often have weird dreams anyway, but they are getting more frequent. Usually I'm arguing with my Mam.

However, last night I had a dream that Lorraine Kelly's cat was lost in my Mam's back garden. When I found it, it was a little black a white thing and it was having an epileptic fit. Also, there was a festival in the street where they were selling fireworks and toy soldiers.

Very weird :)

I'm assuming it's hormones, I'm a first timer so I'm just guessing ;)
it's really common for women to have odd dreams while pregnant and according to my mum it's a sign of a healthy pregnancy, i have the most weirdest dreams so much so that i'm not sleeping properly at night cas i'm dreaming too much (sounds weird i know lol) and i'm constantly shattard so don't worry its perfectly normal like you said it's all those pregnancy hormones

*edit: my mum is a quilified midwife*
Hi :wave:

I remember having exactly the same dreams with my first, they were awful.. my OH was cheating one nite, killed in a car accident the next, completly abandonded me and the baby in another! oh they were horrid but as has already been said its totally down to those crazy hormones! the joys hey!

I think when we are preggers we have so many things going through our heads especially with out first as it's such a big change(the best in the world might i add!!!) that it's not really suprising what goes on in our dreams :lol: I must say i havn't suffered with them yet this time..fingers crossed! and im glad coz as you say they are upsetting..

Hope you get some happy :sleep: soon hun

Emma x
Anna23 said:
it's really common for women to have odd dreams while pregnant and according to my mum it's a sign of a healthy pregnancy, i have the most weirdest dreams so much so that i'm not sleeping properly at night cas i'm dreaming too much (sounds weird i know lol) and i'm constantly shattard so don't worry its perfectly normal like you said it's all those pregnancy hormones

*edit: my mum is a quilified midwife*

I TOTALLY agree Anna, I was having really sketchy, weird dreams before I got my BFP and they havent stopped. They feel really vivid and a bit more 'real' in comparision to 'normal' dreams and they have been happening every night.

I thought it was probably a pregnancy hormonal thing!
iv been having horrible dreams....

first one i can remember was bringing the baby home in a moses basket with my husband, i told him to put it on top of the wardrobe(??????) cos she'll be safe there. and we forgot about it. when i remember i rushed to look at her and she wasnt a baby but a doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the one i had yesterday involved my husbands very estranged mother (my m-in-l). she had sent me this box after we sent her a card to tell her we were expecting our first baby (she wont talk to my husband, shes never ever met me!) and hubby was working so i opened it. inside the box was the head of her other son, my husbands little brother!!!!!!! the note just said that my husband had made her do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was in tears when i woke up.
Weird! I had a freaky dream last night that I was living in a ground floor flat and we lived near a river and it was flooding and the height of it was rising and it really freaked me out-it all ended ok but was very realistic!
thanks all ..tht reasured me specially urs hannah i keep thinking tht sumthinks gunna bads happen like a miscarriage or sumout but im glad uv sed its a sign of healthy pregnancy ...has i av had a miscarriage b4 ....i jst hope i get sum nice dreams x

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