

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2014
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My LO was 6lb and 1 oz when he was born, I assumed he would have been a bit bigger but everyone used to comment on how small my bump was for the weeks I was.

I got him weighed last week and at 10 weeks, he was 10 lb 3 oz, HV was happy amd said it's steady weight gain and so I was happy too.

Everyone that comes to see him comments on how tiny he is which is annoying me. He wasn't a big baby but his weight is steady.

Am I getting annoyed unnecessarily?
Some babies are deceiving
Some look massive but are light and feel hollow
Some are tiny but are like lifting a sack of bricks
If their weight gain is steady just be happy they look small and cute a while longer lol
I have found that he is getting heavier, so I am feeding right.
Thank you for that.
DS was bang on 6lb and looked tiny for ever.

He never lost weight, just kept steady on track between the 9th and 25th centile.

He's just over two years three months now, still fits in some 12-18m clothes, is mostly in 18-24m, and looks lost in 2-3y.

He's not really noticeably smaller than the other kids at nursery, and scares me sometimes how tall he's getting.

As long as LO is sticking roughly to the like they started on, all is well.
Try not to let it get to you hon xx
I had the opposite. My son was 9lbs 1 Oz when he was born and all I ever had was people telling me how enormous he looked!

As long as your baby is feeding and putting on weight ok just ignore people!
I call my two boys my little gnomes! :)

Their both shorties. Jack was an average 7lb 11oz at birth but never gains weight fast and hardly grows. He is currently on 25th centile for weight and only 2nd centile for his height lol. He's still in 2-3yr old clothes but I am now able to buy him age 3-4yr tshirts. Harry was a tiny 6lb 2oz at birth. I'm not sure what he weighs (Jack was weighed and measured at a recent Paediatrician appointment) but he is in 18-24mth clothes at just over two years. He is slightly taller than Jack was at 2 but is still short.

I really wouldn't worry Hun, as long as kids are happy and healthy and in proportion who cares how short or tall they are :)
My lo was 6lb 1/2 an oz when he was born. He tracked 9th then 0.4 centile up until 12 weeks (I had some feeding issues) and we the lb swapped him to formula and then weened at 6months. Since weening really he has happily tracked between 50th and 75th centile and doesn't really look any smaller than most toddlers, in fact I'd say he's probably at the taller end now.

Ignore people's comments. If he's putting in weight ok then there is nothing to worry about and by he time he's older no one will be able to tell!
My baby was 6 lb exactly when born, I loved that he was so tiny as it was super cute. I didn't realise how small newborn babies could be before I had one and I imagine that's the case for most people. I don't see why you're be annoyed? But it won't be long before he's much bigger so I'd say enjoy it while it lasts.

My boy also tracked the 0.4 percentile line, but at fifteen weeks he weighed 11 lb 15 which is about 6th percentile.

I don't think people mean anything by it xx

P.s. funnily enough I had comments throughout my pregnancy about what a big bump I had, and what a large baby he must be.. just shows how little it means :-)
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Thanks everyone, I think I'm worrying and overthinking this whole situation.

My nephew is much more tiny but he's taller than my son at his age! I seriously wouldn't worry... Babies like grown ups and other children gain weight, grow at individual pace.. My son was a chunk but he's much shorter than my nephew probably will be when he gets to his age now though him being chunky makes him look taller and older sometimes..
Ignore what people say. I've had this constantly with my daughter. She was 3lb 11oz at birth, so very small. First annoying comment was from a lady outside the hospital when we were taking her home - "is she real?" I had loads of "isn't she tiny" comments throughout her first year, but was so pleased she got to 17lb 3oz by the time she was a year old... only for the HV to say "well that's really small". I told her that I'd only been 18lb at a year old and got "well you were really small too". So bloody what! God I was mad. Then recently I had the nurse ask how old she was, I said 3, then she said "she's tiny!" and I'm like for goodness sake she can understand you. She's between 9th and 25th centile, so perfectly healthy.

I have the opposite with my son who's on the 99.6th centile...

...as a mum you will not win when it comes to your child's weight - unless they're smack bang on the 50th centile and look it! xx

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