

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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Ive just read the other thread on weight gain, but i havent put any weight on since ive found out i was pregnant.

Is anyone else like this and should i be worried.
I'm not sure if you should be worried. Does your MW weigh you when you go for checks? I Have put on A LOT more weight this time round than my other pregnancies. As long as baby is growing & measures right that's the main thing!
As stacey says above aslong as baby fine etc But worth a mention if you have not gained anything at all because at your stage your baby may weigh quite a few pounds, water, and placenta etc this all mounts up. Have you had bad sickness and have you been eating ok?

My MW does not weigh me. I have been measured twice in my pregnancy once at my very first doctor app to confirm preg and then the first time i went to hospital for a scan. xxx
As LucyAnn said, better mention it to your mw, as surely the baby+placenta+water+extra blood would weigh something! So it looks like your own weight might be going down...
Surely your midwife would know that? I've been told to gain weight so...
Your own weight must have gone down as baby would weigh around 4lbs let alone placenta, water, boobs, extra blood etc. Your body has probably just been giving everything to baby so when you give birth you will weigh about a stone less than you did to start with, unless your under weight then def speak to you midwife, you don't want your body to suffer too much. If your planning to breast feed you might need a bit of fat stores to help with that too, thats normally another few pounds that women gain as well in preparation. I lost over a stone in tri 1 from all the nausea but I'm thinking of that as my starting weight now otherwise I've only put 3lbs from pre-pregnancy weight which I know is wrong as baby wieghs more than that by now! Plus I don't stop eatting now so def put some fat back on!
i did have some morning sickness but not enough to make a difference as i was still eating, spoke to MW whose not worried, i eat healthy and when my blood results came back she said i was obviously eating the right stuff, ive stopped drinking to and i know that will have made a difference due to the amount of calories, i still excersize and am very active, only have small bump but baby measures what its supossed to.

Im liking the fact i maybe a stone light when i give birth!!!
You def have nothing to worry about then suzzi, just keep doing what your doing. Your right about the alcohol calories, bet if you randomly gave up drink for 9 months you would lose a stone so baby just evened it out for you!

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