Weight worries and diet changes


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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Hello all

Wonder if you can help me with a bit of a dilemma...I'll try and keep it short.

A couple of weeks ago mw said I was getting a bit big for dates and suggested that I cut out sugar from my diet (not fruit and stuff, just chocs, sweets etc). Throughout my 2nd tri I ate like a pig, ate loads and loads of choc over christmas and piled on the pounds, but wasn;t too worried about it.

After mw told me to sort my diet out, I have done and have been eating really healthily - about 6 - 7 portions of fruit a day, plus 2 - 3 portions of veg, a protein portion, such as chicken breast, piece of salmon, portion of beans etc for lunch and dinner, large bowl of cereal for brek, yoghurt (full fat) for snacks).

I've been eating like this for two weeks now and have actually lost 3 pounds...I know you aren't supposed to lose wieght when preg, and actually should try and gaiin 1 lb a week in tri 3, but I cant seem to stop myself losing weight. Whenever I cut out crap food, the pounds drop off

Should I increase my food intake? I really am eating large healthy portions and snack every hour on fruit in the daytime. I'd feel like I was over stuffing myself if i ate any more...

Also am drinking 2 - 2.5 litres of water a day.

Surely I cant be doing any damage by improving my diet? I'm just a bit worried about the weight loss.
I would give your midwife a call and ask her if it is ok. she was the one who told you to change your diet after all.
Baby will still be getting what he/she needs and sounds like you are eating plenty so I wouldn't worry :hug:
A 3lb loss in two weeks is fine if you've just changed your diet. You'll find that most of that will be water. You might find that you've lost 5lb in two weeks but added 2lb of baby weight. In fact, I bet that's likely the case.

Continue to eat well and you'll be fine. All the books that state you should gain 1lb a week are based on an 'average' (read: skinny) woman in an 'average' pregnancy.
Don't worry :hug: I'm certain I read a post on this forum ages ago from someone who weighed less when they had the baby than they did when they first got pregnant because they were eating healthily throughout their pregnancy. If your midwife has said that your weight was becoming a concern then losing a couple of pounds shouldn't be a bad thing and is probably a good thing - but call her to make sure if you are worried. :hug:
And good for you changing your diet :cheer: I wish I had your self control :D
check with your MW. It depends on how much you weighed to start with. My friend lost a stone whilst preg!!

good for you eating so well. all i wanted was choc!!!
I was weighed at my booking appointment and again today. I'm four kilos lighter now than when I first found out I was pregnant and I'm now 28 weeks . I have eaten very healthily throughout my pregnancy (because I was big anyway), kept my carbs low and made sure i was having my five a day etc and still ended up with suspected gestational diabetes. I don't know how I can improve my diet much without being silly? Any suggestions would be gratefully received. I've snacked on fruit and nuts because they are low GI and drunk lots of water. I have been very stressed at times though, maybe that hasn't helped.

I feel like I've eaten well to ensure baby was ok and I've ended up giving the baby too much sugar anyway with the diabetes.
I wouldn't worry as long as you are energetic and the baby is growing well on your growth chart. You do sound as if you are eating really well so keep at it, maybe include a bowl of cereal or toast as an evening or mid morning snack.

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