Weight Loss?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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I have noticed that my belly is getting bigger but my weight is actually going down, I am eating normally. Is this still normal when you are 15-16 weeks pregnant?
Sarah :)
I have lost 1 stone and about 4 pounds since becoming pregnant but although I'm eating as normal I definitely don't think I stuff myself like before and also have morning sickness so I'm blaming both these for the weight loss. One day I'm sure it'll start creeping on me but as long as I know my baby is getting everything it needs from me I won't worry for now cos I'm still within a healthy weight range xxxx
I've lost about 8 lbs since falling pregnant. Think it's due to taking aversions and ms in tri 1. I was a bit overweight to begin with so I'm guessing it's not such a bad thing! x
thanks guys, I think it sounds normal then, I just had a milk shake and a burger, must have nutritional stuff for dinner :)
your not alone am the same hun lost a stone since falling pregnant

Vicki xx
Me too, I lost a stone in tri1, then put back on 10lbs and last week lost 4lb, very strange.

My Mw never weighs me, I think because it can vary so much from week to week and person to person.
i just expected a hard belly and weight gain for some reason, tempted to have a private scan still just to make sure everything is ok :)
hey hun

i lost weight with my second pregnancy to begin with and by the time i was 9 months i was only 2lb heavier than pre-pregnancy weight but h was born at 7lb 10oz so when born i was a lot lighter than before i got pregnant whic was a bonus if you ask me :) xx
That is actually pretty comforting to know, my husband says I eat like a bird but I am overweight and I do eat regularly throughout the day I just could never eat a lot at once. maybe it's just me.

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