Weight Gain


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Just had Oscar weighed and he has put on 4.5oz in a week. He now weighs 9lb 6.5oz so is still not at his birth weight (9lb 14oz) after a month. Has anyone else experienced slow weight gain? My HV doesn't seem to be worried but I can't help thinking that everyone I've heard has regained their birth weight in a couple of weeks.
Is he breast or bottle fed?

My kids always seemed slow at gaining weight at first but HV told me this was fine as they were all breast fed therefore she wouldnt expect them to gain as quickly as a formula fed baby.

The fact that he is gaining weight is good and means your doing a great job :D

If there was anything to worry about your HV would tell you
if yr HV isnt concerned theres no need to worry hun

he putting on weight at least thats a good sign! try not to compare him to everyone elses LO's! they all grow and develop at different rates, and being behind the rest is not a bad thing- they grow up too soon as it is! :hug:
Thanks for your replies :hug: I know I shouldn't compare him, I'd just never heard of babies not regaining their birth weight within a short time.

He is breastfed but with one bottle of formula at night. I never knew that about breastfed babies not gaining as quickly as formula fed.

I keep wondering whether it has anything to do with his tongue tie and ineffective feeding.
I think 4.5oz in one week is a brilliant weight gain, lie others have said I wouldnt worry.
Mildly said:
Just had Oscar weighed and he has put on 4.5oz in a week. He now weighs 9lb 6.5oz so is still not at his birth weight (9lb 14oz) after a month. Has anyone else experienced slow weight gain? My HV doesn't seem to be worried but I can't help thinking that everyone I've heard has regained their birth weight in a couple of weeks.

Finlay didn't gain his birth weight quickly, then he did gain it then he lost weight again and I was bf'ing.

Don't worry about it - he's doing just fine!
Aww Mildly...dont worry. I know it is hard not to worry but our HV said as long as there are dirty and wet nappies frequently and a little weight gain then we are on the right track

Aaron's Birthweight was 7lb 6 oz and in the first week he has lost 7 oz. It took him 3 weeks to get back to his birthweight I believe and today's weigh in was 9llbs 11. I was jumping up and down with joy because he has been exclusively on BF. With his reflux was worried but touchwood he is doing well.

Secondly, Breast fed babies are slow in gaining weight because our milk does not have that much "weighty stuff", they drink, they drag out the nutrients and they excrete almost instantly. This is why breast fed babies also feed so frequently. You might already know all this but I am sharing it anyway because when I was being told this bit by bit, I felt so enlightened suddenly :)

I hope Oscar keeps feeding and keeps piling on the pounds.

:hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies :D :hug:

Charlie, I must admit I am proud of the 4.5oz this week. It must be down to the fact he has been feeding about every hour to two hours :lol:

Thanks Bee, that's reassuring to know especially as Finlay is lovely and healthy now :)

Neev :hug: Thanks, that is enlightening :) It is easy to forget the mechanics of feeding and how it relates to weight gain. Well done Aaron on his weight gain :cheer:
With regards his tongue tie, has anything been said to you about it?
Is he able to latch on ok? Does he fall of the breast during a feed?

These can be affected when a baby has tongue tie. If he's latching on fine and he stays on comfortably the tonguetie won't be hindering his feeding particularly.
hey hon

re the weight gain - are you on the bf or formula charts? it makes quite a difference.

connor only regained his birth weight after 5 weeks - at 2 months old he looked like a famine victim :( we struggled a lot with bf-ing in the early days and i was put under massive pressure to formula feed him instead. he fell off the bottom of the weight chart and was oh-so skinny, but i persevered; it was only much later that i found out they use the formula chart in our red books :evil:

as long as your LO is gaining some weight, is content & doing wet nappies, then there's no need to worry at all. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Mildly said:
Thanks Bee, that's reassuring to know especially as Finlay is lovely and healthy now :)

No problem, just keep up what you are doing ;)

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