Weight gain


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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I have put on 2 kilos (4.4 pounds) so far. My midwife said I should put on about 9 to 13 kilos (20 to 29 pounds) throughout the course of the pregnancy. I am just worried that I am putting on too many kilos too soon... and I am gonna be a whale by the time I am even 20 weeks! :oops:

I was 53 kilos (116 pounds) to start with.

Anyone got any advice / suggestions?
I've heard that you put on most of the weight in 1st and 3rd tri...

People vary, I've been a pig this pregnancy so no doubt I'm going to need a gym membership after baby's born!! xx
I've put on over a stone so far! :shock: MW says it's fine though, and without prompting a friend commented today that my bottom and legs look slimmer and more toned (been doing a lot more wlaking lately) so I'm thinking/hoping it is all on my tummy and boobs!

I've been looking up so pregnancy yoga classes at the moment - I'm not too worried about the weight but I want to make sure I'm fit and healthy.
Midwife also warned me that the Spanish doctors are not too understanding when it comes to weight gain, and have been known to put pregnant women on diets to control it... :?

I guess thats why I am a tad worried. :(
Argh even the pressure of weight is put onto pregnant women nowadays! It's frustrating, but it's normal to gain weight! Means the baby has lots of comfortable flab around them :D

(You look fantastic in your pic by the way! REALLY pretty :D)
Ani said:
Midwife also warned me that the Spanish doctors are not too understanding when it comes to weight gain, and have been known to put pregnant women on diets to control it... :?

I guess thats why I am a tad worried. :(

Oooh that sounds annoying! But remember it's your body hun! Just make sure you are getting everything your body needs and that you are comfortable :) It's natural to put on a bit of weight but it's all worth it xx
I have lost weight! Strang as I am eating so much more and lots of carbs - I may have sped up my metabolism. Actually, I am pretty sure it's the giving up alcohol!
I think smoking speeds up your metabolism and I gave up smoking when I got my BFP so maybe this has something to do with it as well...

I would swear smoking made me poop more too ( :oops: ) cos I used to poop 3 times a day (sorry TMI) and now I poop once a day. That has to mean something in terms of metabolism etc....
I originaly put on 4pounds when I went for my midwife appointment at 9weeks, I have been weighing myself every so offten have now lost 3 of those 4 pounds...which I think is down 2 my morning sickness.

I feel like I look as though I have gained alot of weight though, Im unable 2 hold my stomach in and looks as if maybe I have eaten 1 too many pies!!

I think its different people/different bodies ect...Some women loose weight in their first tri others put it on...So you really shouldn't worry about it! As Dannii said there is so much pressure on pregnant women these days when it comes to weight gain during & weight loss after!! Its pathetic.

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