Weight Gain (again...)


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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Hi... sorry for bringing this topic up yet again but its really getting me down at this stage.

In the first trimester, I was like a bottomless pit, I could not stop eating as I was just constantly hungry. So I understand why I put on 4 to 5 kilos.

Now however I am eating three healthy meals a day and I still seem to be going up the scales DAILY, not weekly. For example, yesterday morning, after going to the toilet and before eating, I was 58.6 kilos and this morning, I am 59.1. Last Monday I was 57.5 kilos meaning I have put on more than a kilo in less than one week! If this keeps going, I will have put on almost 30 kilos! :oops:

I really dont know what to do. I walk briskly for 40 minutes 4 times a week. I am eating relatively sensibly:

Breakfast: Weetabix and decaf tea
Lunch: Brown soda bread with cheese and onion and green tea
Dinner: Potatoes, tons of vegetables and a Linda McCartney product
Snacks: Yoghurt, apples, cereal bars

I have completely cut out chocolate and crisps. I am so frustrated!! :wall:

Please someone give me some ideas to curb it a bit... and please dont tell me not to worry, that weight gain is normal in pregnancy, my doctor already told me I was putting on too much weight too quickly. I know I have to put on some weight, but this is just getting out of hand. Please help... and sorry for the extremely long rant!
Ani said:
please dont tell me not to worry, that weight gain is normal in pregnancy, my doctor already told me I was putting on too much weight too quickly. I know I have to put on some weight, but this is just getting out of hand. Please help... and sorry for the extremely long rant!

Sorry Ani BUT... it is normal to put on weight during pregnancy- some of us 3rd triers have only put on a stone... others have put on 4! No one person is the same so you shouldn't stress about it! If the doctors were REALLY worried then they would test you for GD. :hug: :hug:

I haven't been weighed since my booking in appt but I was underweight before I fell pregnant so I was expected to put on MORE than average (as it turns out I haven't but it's more to do with my body than my diet!)

Don't think about your weight until after you've had baby :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww I know how you feel :hug: I am now 2 stone heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight :shock: :oops: I am officially the size of a house! I ate all the way through first tri as it helped me not feel sick. I think I am habit eating now and am certainly eating more than I did before which I need to cut down.

I started swimming twice a week since the beginning of second tri although it doesn't seem to be toning me that much I am reassured by the fact that I can swim a half mile with no real knackeredness! So I must be keeping fit.

I am also craving high fat foods like cheese that doesn't help. I'm sure different people put on weight at different times during pregnancy, you may find your weight gain will plateau soon and others at the same stage will catch you up. The main thing is you're eating healthily so bubs is getting all the nutrients she (I think you're having a girl - just a feeling lol) needs. Also you look pretty slim from your photo, I think the slimmer you are the more weight you are likely to put on.
I seem to remember you saying about the docs in Spain being funny about pregnant women gaining weight.

My midwife has only weighed me at the first appointment.
I really dont think you should be worrying hun looks like your eating normally to me, some people do, some people dont,

I should by all accounts be massive, i cant do any exercise because my pelvis is killing me, have eaten normally and hadnt put any weight on at my 16 week check i dont think really have now either but then i am big start with, my friend who is very active and very slim to start has put 2 stone on,

I am sure whatever weight you put on will vanish just as quickly, i wouldnt worry and would put the scales away

Aw hun :hug: It's stressful I know. I'm sure your weight gain will slow down, mine did...I ate loads during first tri to avoid nausea, so I gained a lot from that but now I can eat fruit and veggies again I've managed to calm it down. Here's my average diet:

Breakfast: Either cheerios or bran flakes with added raisins and semi skimmed milk. Cup of decaf coffee.
Mid morning snacks: 1 activia fat free yogurt and an apple.
Lunch: Wholemeal sandwich with either tuna, cheese or egg with cucumber. Cup of soup from staff canteen, and a banana/pineapple chunks/grapes/
Mid afternoon snack: 2 large caramel snack a jacks rice cakes.
Dinner: Quorn sausages, new potatoes and veg/ vegetable soup and buttered bread/ pasta with tomato sauce and veg.
Evening snack: Usually some fruit and fat free greek yogurt, or tinned mandarins in juice....something sweet and fruity. Sometimes I will have a chocolate chip cookie from tesco (the big and chewy kind, mmm) or a kit kat or something like that....depends how hungry I am.

I guess I'm pretty lucky because I have been craving fruit...

So as you can see I am eating LOADS but am only gaining about 1 - 2lbs a week. I walk for 30 mins a day and my job is highly stressful so I'm always on the go, although I am at a desk for the majority of the day.

I don't mean to be rubbing it in..just trying to give you some hope that it may slow down, even if you eat loads....Ii just figure you should eat what you feel like you need and not deprive yourself... :hug: Try and be kind to yourself :hug:

C xxx
Oh hun please don't worry you will soon loose it when you have had LO. will be such a shame for you to not enjoy your pregnancy worrying about what you are and not eating.

I'd stop weighing yourself on a daily basis as weight can fluctuate by a couple of pounds a day due to water retention etc anyways. Its never a good idea weighing daily.

Weigh once a week, same day, same time, same clothes, if you must. I never bother and let the MW weigh me as and when. Outside of that I just don't see the point of fixating on it. I eat well, walk lots still and I am not going to starve myself or not eat certain foods because I might gain a few pounds.

Womens bodies when PG are designed to store for baby. So weight gain is natural. You are eating healthy decent food, exercising and doing all the right things, but it won't stop you won't putting on weight.

I don't think your doctor was helpful telling you you are putting weight on too quickly. Every woman is different. Some gain only a little, others more. I've put on over 3 stone during my pregnancy, others just about a stone. Most of that has come in 2nd and 3rd tri. First tri I hardly altered.

Also don't forget that your baby is growing and your body changing, so putting on some weight is to be expected.

I'd stop setting the bar to high and relax a little bit.
great advice people. my baby books say that during 6th and 7th month you will put on the most weight, and during 8 and 9 you shouldnt put on too much weight.

i weighed 9 and a half stone on 26th january and now i weight nearly 11 stone. as long as you are eating healthily i would consider it to be natural and not because you are eating bad food.
as we are on the topic of weight... i was going to post on here about a little problem i have/might have!
i have always been a pretty hefty weight, however i dont look the weight! i think i am litrally just "big boned" with some puppy fat. . . when i had my booking appointment the M/w didnt weigh me and just asked for an average weight..... and..... being ashamed and she might think i was a little porker, i lied!!!!!!!!!! i made out i was 1stone lighter! *(i wish)

i was wondering how offern do you get weighed??? i have not been since i was like 8weeks!!!! i know that i have only put on 7lbs so far (which i'm really pleased about), but i'm worried............. i'm such a woss!!! do i tell the midwife i guessed my weight and then realised i was wrong, or do i keep quiet and let them think i've put on 21 lbs?????????

awwww i feel like such an idiot! but i am very sensitive about my weight! i didnt want the midwife to look at me and think... "good god, whats a piggy" lol
Ahh Ani, like everyone says im sure you will lose it just as fast if you are naturally slim plus maybe once we come into the summer and warmer weather you'll find it slows down a bit as i know the winters the worst time for being healthy for me anyway! Have you done a bump pic as I bet you look fab??xxx
tinkerbell* said:
as we are on the topic of weight... i was going to post on here about a little problem i have/might have!
i have always been a pretty hefty weight, however i dont look the weight! i think i am litrally just "big boned" with some puppy fat. . . when i had my booking appointment the M/w didnt weigh me and just asked for an average weight..... and..... being ashamed and she might think i was a little porker, i lied!!!!!!!!!! i made out i was 1stone lighter! *(i wish)

i was wondering how offern do you get weighed??? i have not been since i was like 8weeks!!!! i know that i have only put on 7lbs so far (which i'm really pleased about), but i'm worried............. i'm such a woss!!! do i tell the midwife i guessed my weight and then realised i was wrong, or do i keep quiet and let them think i've put on 21 lbs?????????

Its important they know your correct starting weight at booking so as when you are weighed later on they can see how much gain you have had. Larger women tend to equal larger babies and its important to the Doctors they know what is what. I'd come clean with your MW and tell her you made a mistake and are were in fact a stone heavier at booking. Otherwise they won't have the correct info and may think you've had a huge weight gain and therefore want to run checks. They may also think you are more at risk or less so etc.

My MW has weighed me every time since 28 weeks now. And as I have a higher BMI now since booking in I have had to have growth scans for baby etc to see where growth is and if its further ahead etc. My weight didn't concern them in the beginning but now it does as its coupled with a larger baby.

I'd put any sensitivities aside and just tell her and have them correct it. It really is better for your health and that of your baby to be honest so as the medical staff caring for you know what is what. Lots of us have weight issues but its really not the end of the world to tell medical staff your actual weight. They won't laugh or think you are a porker. Often they may well be bigger than you anyways. But incorrect info can affect possible treatment and care, which is never worth it.
Hi Ani,
try not to worry about it too much hun, your doing all the right things by getting plenty of exercise and eating very healthly.
I know your sick of hearing this..... but it is completely normal, my bump seems to be growing daily lol
hope you start to feel better about it :hug:
Thank you girls.

Laura, I do have a pic of me @ 11 weeks and I will take another tonight and then I will put them both up so you can see.

inforabumpyride said:
Ani said:
please dont tell me not to worry, that weight gain is normal in pregnancy, my doctor already told me I was putting on too much weight too quickly. I know I have to put on some weight, but this is just getting out of hand. Please help... and sorry for the extremely long rant!

Sorry Ani BUT... it is normal to put on weight during pregnancy- some of us 3rd triers have only put on a stone... others have put on 4!

LOL - 4 stone....thats me :lol:

If you arent stuffing your face then dont worry too much about it. I think some people pile on the pounds when they're preggo end of. Admitedly I am nowhere near as active as I was but the wweight will come off as soon as Ive had baby I'll make sure of it :D
Tillytots said:
inforabumpyride said:
Sorry Ani BUT... it is normal to put on weight during pregnancy- some of us 3rd triers have only put on a stone... others have put on 4!

LOL - 4 stone....thats me :D

Ani... THERE YOU GO! Tilly has put on 4 stone and her bump was gorgeous enough to be stolen by picture thieves! :rotfl:

Therefore proving the point that weight is just a number! :shakehead: No-one stole my bleedin' photos....! :wink:
laura23yrs said:
Ahh Ani, like everyone says im sure you will lose it just as fast if you are naturally slim plus maybe once we come into the summer and warmer weather you'll find it slows down a bit as i know the winters the worst time for being healthy for me anyway! Have you done a bump pic as I bet you look fab??xxx

Laura, I put up new photos today on my online journal (link below) and if you look at the ones from 8 weeks right up to now, you will see my progress... :oops: I just dread to think what I am going to be like in 7 weeks time when I am going to a wedding in Greece and will have to get into a bikini in front of about 150 people from my home town!! :rotfl:
inforabumpyride said:
Tillytots said:
inforabumpyride said:
Sorry Ani BUT... it is normal to put on weight during pregnancy- some of us 3rd triers have only put on a stone... others have put on 4!

LOL - 4 stone....thats me :D

Ani... THERE YOU GO! Tilly has put on 4 stone and her bump was gorgeous enough to be stolen by picture thieves! :rotfl:

Therefore proving the point that weight is just a number! :shakehead: No-one stole my bleedin' photos....! :wink:

Stolen by picture thieves? :rotfl: :rotfl:
OMG hun you are tiny! :lol: when you get to my size you can worry. You look hot!

RE: Pic thieves...yes someone stole my bump pics and said they were theirs :rotfl:

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