Weight gain after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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I lost tons of weight in order to get pregnant, although I didn't get pregnant until I came off the diet and started to eat normally. From being pregnant and after the mc, I have put on 6 pounds and am now a stone overweight (ie over the top end of my BMI).

I don't want to diet as I've heard you are more fertile after a mc, and I don't want to waste that chance by mucking up my hormones by dieting, but I'm worried about being overweight also affecting my chances. I'm 42 and was told that weight has a bigger impact as you get older.

Has anyone else had to deal with pregnany and mc weight gain and decide what to do about it whilst TTC again?

I'm really stressed and don't know what to do.
Sunflower I’m so sorry. I am planning on starting a whole30 after my bleeding stops (or maybe before, when I’m feeling a bit more healed I guess). It’s a very healthy non-restrictive way of eating and I keep reading conception success stories from women doing one. You can google and read about it. I also always feel fantastic when eating that way so it could help. Healthy weight loss usually happens too but it’s not restrictive and again, great for fertility. Just a thought. Good luck.
Thanks Kholl. I had a look. I'm already off everything on that list except pulses and when I give them up I go low carb and it messes up my hormones. I hope it works for you!
Ok got it, sorry i couldn’t be more helpful. I wonder if your body will even out naturally as your post-mc hormones regulate? God I’m just so sorry, this whole miscarriage ordeal is such a horrific nightmare. I really hope everything gets better for you soon, Sunflower.
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Thanks Knoll! I have heard that weight gain post miscarriage is very common but it's such a huge pain when you are TTC again. You are right...it could just be the hormones actually. It is a nightmare isn't it!? Just hoping I get pregnant again quickly. Good luck with the diet.
I tried to reply to this earlier but the site was having a wobble and I guess my post never went through!

It could be down to stress or hormones. I hope those pounds come back off soon xx
Thanks Millie. Making a few dietery adjustments without going crazy and fingers crossed. To be honest it mostly feels like water.
Hi sunflower, I feel like I've had a lot of bloat since the MC and boobs are yet to shrink back, could this be a similar thing to you and it just be a hormone thing maybe? Just might need a little more time to regulate? I totally understand you not wanting to mess around with hormones by making drastic diet changes and think you're right...could a bit of walking/running/yoga or anything like that help do you think? It gets a good blood flow going, and releases good hormones and you might just find it helps balance any weight gain? Just a thought, I know that's not always easy for people with having the time etc to do it. (I'm a fine one to talk I've eaten nothing but crap since last week just by way of drowning my sorrows so no doubt will put on some timber too!)
I lost tons of weight in order to get pregnant, although I didn't get pregnant until I came off the diet and started to eat normally. From being pregnant and after the mc, I have put on 6 pounds and am now a stone overweight (ie over the top end of my BMI).

I don't want to diet as I've heard you are more fertile after a mc, and I don't want to waste that chance by mucking up my hormones by dieting, but I'm worried about being overweight also affecting my chances. I'm 42 and was told that weight has a bigger impact as you get older.

Has anyone else had to deal with pregnany and mc weight gain and decide what to do about it whilst TTC again?

I'm really stressed and don't know what to do.

Not sure what help I'll be but wanted to say I'm in the same boat
I lost 10kg before falling pregnant I loved my body for the first time in ages and loved how clothes fit on me
After falling pregnant and having he miscarriage at 10/11 weeks.. between that time I ate a lot so I've gained back over 10 kg and counting
Can't really diet now or exercise
Zero motivation too

The only way forward I think is to go back to calorie counting but not have a deficit ..more to maintain than lose
And Try And walk more
Swimming is good?
I know it's hard:(

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